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Fix version file syntax #371

Closed HebaruSan closed 4 years ago

HebaruSan commented 4 years ago

(Not sure which branch you'd rather receive this on, trying release first since it's set as the default in GitHub.)

A comma is missing, so the latest release isn't indexing into CKAN. Now it's fixed.

@DasSkelett has created a handy GitHub Action that can catch things like this before release, if you're interested:

Tagging @DMagic1 because not everyone has GitHub notifications turned on for pull requests.

DMagic1 commented 4 years ago

Ugg, I hate it when that happens.

I've updated the remote file on the repo, there are probably a few things that new fixing for the new version, so I'll fix the local file for the next update.

HebaruSan commented 4 years ago

Cool, thanks!