S-C-A-N / SCANsat

Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed!
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Feature request: optionally de-orbit old satellites #402

Open amedee opened 3 years ago

amedee commented 3 years ago

Okay, story goes like this.

Your very first SCANsat satellite is low tech, did a >95% LoRes scan of Kerbin, has barely enough fuel to do an inclination change to get that final 5% over the poles, and doesn't have enough solar panels and batteries to keep working 100% of the time when going to Kerbin's night side. It also doesn't have a long range antenna so you can't re-use it as a relay satellite in your CommNet. You've completed it's contract and it's now effectively End Of Life and cluttering Kerbin's orbit.

Later in the game, you get a new contract, for a Hires scan of Kerbin. As an optional parameter of the contract, you can de-orbit the old satellite and let it burn up in the atmosphere, so that you get magnificent fireworks (and maybe get some money and a few science points).

How to do this:

When hard coded, it would be something like this:

LoRes contract:

        // Named for the Scottish physicist who predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves.
        name = Maxwell1
        type = VesselParameterGroup

        define = Maxwell I

            name = ReachState
            type = ReachState
            targetBody = Kerbin
            situation = ORBITING

HiRes contract:

        name = OrbitEndGrp
        type = All

        title = De-Orbit Maxwell I, our first SCANSat satellite 
        optional = True
        completedMessage = Well done, the old satellite has burned up in the atmosphere.

        rewardScience = 4.0
        rewardFunds = 5000.0

            name = OrbitEnd
            type = VesselParameterGroup

            vessel = Maxwell I

                name = VesselDestroyed
                type = VesselDestroyed

Alternatively, these could also just be separate standalone mini-contracts that ask nothing more than to de-orbit satellites that have scanned >95%.

I've been trying to grok the Official SCANsat contract configs but I can't really find where and how to do this.