S-GrabhamMadden / Tendency

A WIP incremental game about the occult, made in javascript.
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Mundane Features #3

Open S-GrabhamMadden opened 2 years ago

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

Add content to the mundane tab, probably including a money/work system, housing, and the ability to study to unlock better jobs at minimum. Also make unlocking the next tab conditional on progress through the mundane.

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

image Example of how the mundane tab might look.

Initially, just work, wage, finances, stress, bills, and items. Days are spent doing the "A Day" buttons. Work adds wage to finance. Leisure, unlocked when stress gets high enough, reduces stress by relaxation. Classes, unlocked when first level is bought, add study to education. Possibly more. Almanack unlocked after new years to progress to next stage. At 0 days until Bills Due, either automatically subtract or have a pay button, either way if cannot afford, possible lose condition (destitution).

High enough education might lead to better work opportunities. Too high stress (maybe text starts to go red to indicate) and bad things might happen doing other days than leisure. Increase Study by paying for better institution, increase Relaxation by paying for better accoutrements. Better residence/travel increase bills, but reduce stress gain and possibly unlock new items (eg, you might need to move to a better area to get access to Classes).

Possibly have random events able to happen when you do A Day options?

A Day buttons should have a short (ie, 1 second or so) timer with a fill animation after each click to prevent spamming and make the mundane section feel more weighty.

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago


Might want to consider a late-stage system to automate going through days/weeks. Eg slider for income/stress priority, values update once per second, replaces the A Day button system above when purchased as an upgrade (possibly unlocked by enough research into the occult, as a sort of "autopilot"). Means days can continue progressing after occult tab is unlocked and becomes focus.

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

Maybe an "Awareness" or "Consciousness" stat upgraded by the occult research. Spent to unlock autopilot as above, to buy upgrades to the research, and eventually to get "Discover the Truth" button to unlock occult tab.

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

Progress made in recent commits, still need specific mechanical penalties for high stress (and thresholds for that).

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

As mentioned in above commit, the radio accoutrement now works. More will need to be added, and they will need to start invisible and appear based on requirements.

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

And don't forget that the education system needs to be unlocked (and have a purpose) at some point soon too.

(plus, when all else is done, the awareness/occult system to unlock the next tab)

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

Good progress made, next steps: Improved job opportunities (promotions in telephone exchange, better jobs with higher education) Consider higher tier purchases (eg, new living accomodations) Implementing stress penalties, random events, and game-overs Starting off the occult (finding Poor Roy's Almanack, buying occult items, progress towards unlocking tab)

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

Raises up to $20 are now possible at the telephone exchange, and a new job (accounting) can get up to $26. This works for now in terms of job opportunities. In a future expansion of the later half of the mundane tab, more job opportunities would be ideal - perhaps an extra step up in the telephone exchange, more opportunities to advance in accounting, and possibly one more high-paying but difficult to unlock job.

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

Random events system now implemented, a lot more need to be added, ideally some with conditions for firing, and some that hint at the occult.

S-GrabhamMadden commented 2 years ago

Random events expansion as discussed above spun out into new Issue #5