S1SYPHOS / kirby-lingonberry

A Kirby port of the Wordpress theme 'Lingonberry'
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Make Categories optional (enhancement idea) #15

Closed demlak closed 6 years ago

demlak commented 6 years ago

Hi, since the original Template was for wordpress, it supports both, tags and categories. There are many people that find it difficult to differentiate between tags and categories. Also minimalism in UI is worthwhile. So maybe it is possible to get categories and/or tags to be optional, by enabling/disabling them in options.

would be nice feature

thx demlak

S1SYPHOS commented 6 years ago

The user is free not to use them, why make an option for this? Just replace / remove the parts related to categories / tags, and that's it.

I'm open to discussion, but I don't see a particular problem right now!

demlak commented 6 years ago

When there are no categories declared, the section is still in the ui. for example:


S1SYPHOS commented 6 years ago

As I said, just replace it with something else, like the widget saying 'About Zero Mental alignment' for example?

demlak commented 6 years ago

since the About-Widget is part of lingonberry, you say, i should edit source code?

there came an idea in my mind to have those tags and categories allways optional by setting an if-clause around those images.

(i realy should learn how to use git/github)

my suggestion for site/snippet/footer.php (changes are commented):

        </div><!-- .posts -->
      </div><!-- .content section-inner -->
    </div><!-- /content -->

      $categories = page('home')->children()->visible()->pluck('category', ',', true);
      $tags = page('home')->children()->visible()->pluck('tags', ',', true);
    <div class="footer section">
      <div class="footer-inner section-inner">
        <div class="widgets">
          <div class="widget">
            <div class="widget-content">
              <h3 class="widget-title">Recent Posts</h3>
                <?php foreach(page('home')->children()->visible()->flip()->limit(5) as $recent) : ?>
                <li><a href="<?= $recent->url() ?>"><?= $recent->title()->html() ?></a></li>
                <?php endforeach?>
            </div><!-- .widget-content -->
            <div class="clear"></div>
          </div><!-- .widget -->
          <div class="clear"></div>
      <?php if(empty($categories) or empty($tags)): ?> <!-- if categories or tags are empty, move widget -->
       </div><!-- .widgets -->
       <div class="widgets">
      <?php endif ?>
          <div class="widget">
            <div class="widget-content">
              <h3 class="widget-title">About <?= $site->title()->html() ?></h3>
              <?= $site->description()->kt() ?>
            </div><!-- .widget-content -->
            <div class="clear"></div>
          </div><!-- .widget -->
          <div class="clear"></div>
        </div><!-- .widgets -->
       <?php if(!empty($categories)): ?> <!-- if categories are empty, don't display widget -->
        <div class="widgets">
          <div class="widget">
            <div class="widget-content">
              <h3 class="widget-title">Categories</h3>
                <?php foreach($categories as $category) : ?>
                <?php $categoryURL = url('home') . '/category:' . urlencode($category); ?>
                <li><a href="<?= $categoryURL ?>"><?= $category ?></a></li>
                <?php endforeach?>
            </div><!-- .widget-content -->
            <div class="clear"></div>
          </div><!-- .widget -->
          <div class="clear"></div>
        </div><!-- .widgets -->
       <?php endif ?> <!-- end of widget empty-check -->
       <?php if(!empty($tags)): ?>  <!-- if tags are empty, don't display widget -->
        <div class="widgets">
          <div class="widget widget_tag_cloud">
            <div class="widget-content">
              <h3 class="widget-title">Tagcloud</h3>
              <div class="tagcloud">
                <?php foreach($tags as $tag) : ?>
                <?php $tagURL = url('home') . '/tag:' . urlencode($tag); ?>
                <a href="<?= $tagURL ?>"><?= $tag ?></a>
                <?php endforeach?>
            </div><!-- .widget-content -->
            <div class="clear"></div>
          </div><!-- .widget -->
          <div class="clear"></div>
        </div><!-- .widgets -->
        <?php endif ?> <!-- end of widget empty-check -->
        <div class="clear"></div>
      </div><!-- .footer-inner -->
    </div><!-- .footer -->

    <div class="credits section">
      <div class="credits-inner section-inner">
        <p class="credits-left">
          <span>Copyright</span> &copy; <?= date('Y') ?> <a href="<?= $site->url() ?>" title="<?= $site->title()->html() ?>"><?= $site->title()->html() ?></a>
        <p class="credits-right">
          <?php e($site->footer()->isNotEmpty(), $site->footer()->ktRaw() . ' &mdash;') ?> <a title="To the Top" class="tothetop">Up &uarr;</a>
        <div class="clear"></div>
      </div><!-- .credits-inner -->
    </div><!-- .credits -->

    <!-- JS -->
    <?= js(array(
    )) ?>


Empty Categories or Tagcloud will not be shown. Also if there is one of them empty, the About-widget moves position there.