S5SS / dual-command

Dual Command Mode Repository
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hgn changes #2

Closed Novaras closed 5 years ago

Novaras commented 6 years ago


Defence Field Frigates

For such a hard unit to micro (in HW:R terms...), this unit is also logicstically challenging to get out, especially in an extended hold. Hiigaran's unique traits should be highlighted more.

  • Max move speed up: 230 => 250 Reactive play should be rewarded
  • Max strafe speed up: 230 => 250 ^
  • Build time down: 60 => 55


Destroyers are currently not worth the build time; even their relatively high HP value is offset by a 165 second build time: ion cannons build more than three times faster, from easier to build (and more plentiful) queues, and whats worse: four ions are already a match for the HP a destroyer represents. Factor in other options such as ion platforms, battlecruisers and pulsars, and destroyers are simply outclassed on all fronts. Rather than compete with these other units and try to overlap their roles, these changes attempt to buff destroyers while keeping their identity unique.

  • Hyperspace animation time down: 9.5s => 6s HyperDD will live again
  • Regeneration time down: 1074 => 750 This translates to HP per second: 110.8 => 158.7 (+43%). High HP with a relatively low DPS at high range puts destroyers in an interesting (and mostly unique) position. A group of 2 or more destroyers is able to handle frigates and other destroyers extremely effectively if kited correctly (imagine a cycle of destroyers moving forwards and backwards). Upping their regeneration allows them identify themselves in this role, and provides value to the unit without forcing them to overlap into a DPS role already occupied by so many other units.
  • Damage multiplier vs collectors up: 0.75 => 1.0 (hgn_kineticburstcannondestroyer.wepn) Destroyers are currently underperforming against collectors. Jumping a destroyer at an angle / through a gap in inhibs in order to snipe collectors is an old style which is currently never used. This is partly because of their other issues, however collectors (especially upgraded HW2 collectors) are shrugging off the damage coming from a super-capital ship too easily.
  • Long range (anti-frigate) torpedo speed up: 250 => 320 (+28%) (hgn_longrangetorpedo.miss)


Extremely unreliable in landing their shots, making the unit often undesirable

  • Weapon projectile speed up: 1500 => 1600 (hgn_vulkankineticturret.wepon)


Scouts currently provide totally free and nigh-undeniable vison for the user if waypointed in a double-passive circle. Even in a freak accident where your opponent is able to snipe a scout squad, they're easily replaced. Vision is a resource to be fought for.

  • Max move speed down: 512 => 490
  • No longer get a max speed boost from evasive tactics: 1.1 => 1.0
  • Primary sensor radius down (blue sphere in manager): 9000 => 7000
  • Secondary sensor radius down (works the same, but invisible): 11000 => 8500 11000 is almost as high as a probe (12000) - way too high.

Torpedo Frigates

Torpedoes now fly fast enough to catch running collectors and corvettes. Hyperspace animation time reduced to help out Hiigaran's early aggression options.

  • Hyperspace animation time down: 9.5s => 6s
  • Base cluster torpedo speed up: 250 => 320 (hgn_clustertorpedoa.miss)
  • Breakaway cluster torpedo speed up: 300 => 420 (hgn_clustertorpedob.miss)
  • Long range (anti-frigate) torpedo speed up: 250 => 320 (hgn_longrangetorpedo.miss)
Novaras commented 6 years ago

From discussion with S: