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Dual Command Mode Repository
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vgr changes #6

Closed Novaras closed 5 years ago

Novaras commented 5 years ago


Corvette Facility

Vaygr corvettes are top of the food chain and have been for a while. Vaygr players will naturally have more production than their opponents due to cheap carriers and early production improvements. A small logistical hit to corvettes should temper their viability.

  • Build cost up: 725 => 850
  • Build time up: 60 => 65


Unupgraded corvettes are dropping like flies - upgraded corvettes are almost unkillable (especially if you get bad accuracy rolls) with a close dock. These changes normalise vette performance, although its undoubtedly a nerf overall.

  • Base health up:
  • (missiles, lasers): unit: 480 => 510 so squad: 1920 => 2040
  • (command): 900 => 1080
  • Health upgrade multiplier down: 1.5x => 1.25x therefore upgraded health is now:
  • (missiles, lasers) unit: 720 => 638 so squad: 2880 => 2550
  • (command): 1350 => 1350 no change


Scouts currently provide totally free and nigh-undeniable vison for the user if waypointed in a double-passive circle. Even in a freak accident where your opponent is able to snipe a scout squad, they're easily replaced. Vision is a resource to be fought for.

  • Base max movespeed down: 420 => 353 therefore upgraded speed is now 588 => 490
  • No longer get a max speed boost from evasive tactics: 1.1 => 1.0
  • Primary sensor radius down (blue sphere in manager): 9000 => 7000
  • Secondary sensor radius down (works the same, but invisible): 11000 => 8500 11000 is almost as high as a probe (12000) - way too high.