SAA-SDT / eac-cpf-schema
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@conventionDeclarationReference #174

Open SJagodzinski opened 3 years ago

SJagodzinski commented 3 years ago

Convention declaration reference

Add new optional attribute @conventionDeclarationReference with data type IDREFS in all non-empty elements alongside the language attributes @lanuageOfElement and @scriptOfElement.

With @conventionDeclarationReference a direct link to a conventation declaration element within cpf/control/conventionDeclaration can be provided. The attribute can be used to link to a convention or rule that prescribe a method for converting one script into another script (transliteration). It also can be used to link to a national, international or other rule that govern the construction of EAC-CPF name (formerly used in dropped elements <alternativeForm>, <authorizedForm>, and preferredForm).

Creator of issue

  1. Silke Jagodzinski
  2. TS-EAS: EAC-CPF subgroup

Related issues / documents

Topic: Assertion Description in EAS Assertion Description (or Assertion Control) #43 Topic_names_20200130.pdf Names control #26

EAD3 Reconciliation

new EAS attribute


new EAS attribute

Solution documentation: agreed solution for TL and guidelines

Rephrasing Summary, Description and Usage and Attribute usage needed

Data type: IDREF

May occur within: <abstract>, <address>, <addressLine>, <agencyCode>, <agencyName>, <agent>, <alternativeSet>, <biogHist>, <chronItem>, <chronItemSet>, <chronList>, <citedRange>, <componentEntry>, <contact>, <contactLine>, <conventionDeclaration>, <date>, <dateRange>, <dateSet>, <description>, <descriptiveNote>, <event>, <eventDateTime>, <eventDescription>, <existDates>, <fromDate>, <function>, <functions>, <generalContext>, <geographicCoordinates>, <head>, <identityId>, <item>, <language>, <languageDeclaration>, <languageUsed>, <languagesUsed>, <legalStatus>, <legalStatuses>, <list>, <localControl>, <localDescription>, <localDescriptions>, <localTypeDeclaration>, <maintenanceAgency>, <maintenanceEvent>, <maintenanceHistory>, <mandate>, <mandates>, <nameEntry>, <nameEntrySet>, <occupation>, <occupations>, <otherAgencyCode>, <otherEntityType>, <otherEntityTypes>, <otherRecordId>, <p>, <part>, <place>, <placeName>, <placeRole>, <places>, <recordId>, <reference>, <relation>, <relationType>, <representation>, <rightsDeclaration>, <setComponent>, <shortCode>, <source>, <sources>, <span>, <structureOrGenealogy>, <targetEntity>, <targetRole>, <term>, <toDate>, <useDates>, <writingSystem>

Example encoding

ailie-s commented 3 years ago

Tag Library Text:

Summary: Use @conventionDeclarationReference to provide a direct link to a <conventionDeclaration> element within control/conventionDeclaration from any non-empty elements in the EAC-CPF instance. The attribute can be used to link to a convention or rule that prescribes a method for converting one script into another script (transliteration). It also can be used to link to a national, international or other rule that governs the construction of an EAC-CPF name. Data type: IDREFS

deletedname commented 3 years ago

Spelling error: conventationDeclaration in the header and body of text

SJagodzinski commented 3 years ago

@deletedname : thanks a lot ;-)

fordmadox commented 3 years ago

Regarding the datatype: @ailie-s @SJagodzinski @kerstarno, I won't tag each issue unless there is agreement on this approach, but based on the discussion around how to convert the nameEntry / nameEntryParallel elements from EAC 1.x to 2.0 (e.g., I changed the datatypes for all of the *Reference attributes and @target from IDREF to IDREFS. Does that sound like a good approach for the call for comments / migration process?

kerstarno commented 3 years ago

There currently are some inconsistencies with regard to where @conventionDeclarationReference and its two sibling attributes, @maintenanceEventReference (#173) and @sourceReference (#172), can be used:

Apart from that:

The above applies to both schemas, RNG and XSD.

@ailie-s the data type has recently changed to IDREFS in order to allow for several IDs to be pointed to within one attribute.

SJagodzinski commented 3 years ago

Regarding the datatype: @ailie-s @SJagodzinski @kerstarno, I won't tag each issue unless there is agreement on this approach, but based on the discussion around how to convert the nameEntry / nameEntryParallel elements from EAC 1.x to 2.0 (e.g. #117 (comment)), I changed the datatypes for all of the *Reference attributes and @target from IDREF to IDREFS. Does that sound like a good approach for the call for comments / migration process?

@fordmadox : I agree and true, no need to comment each issues with this solution.

SJagodzinski commented 3 years ago

Schema version 85f90b0 uses reference attributes correctly, no need to change.

Documentation will be updated.

kerstarno commented 3 years ago

@SJagodzinski thanks for the confirmation.

With this, the attribute is ready.