SAA-SDT / eac-cpf-schema
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@xlink:role #248

Closed SJagodzinski closed 2 years ago

SJagodzinski commented 3 years ago

Xlink: Role

Agreed in EAC-CPF and in EAD team to remove this attribute to simplify the schema, cf Berlin meeting:

Use @linkrole, @linktitle, and @href, from former XLink attributes and drop @actuate, @arcrole, @show.

Creator of issue

  1. Silke Jagodzinski
  2. TS-EAS: EAC-CPF subgroup

Related issues / documents

EAD3 Reconciliation

Summary: A URI that characterizes the nature of the remote resource to which a linking element refers.

Data Type: anyURI


Summary: Identifies the type or nature of the remote resource with an absolute URI.

Description and Usage: Identifies the type or nature of the remote resource with an absolute URI.

Data Type: string

Solution documentation:

Rephrasing Summary and Description and Usage needed

May occur within: <contactLine>, <reference>, <representation>, <source>

ailie-s commented 3 years ago

What is the data type for @linkRole? EAD3 uses anyURI and EAC-CPF uses string.

kerstarno commented 3 years ago

I've had a look through the EAD3 repository to see if I could find anything with regard to the data type decision for EAD3, but there isn't anything specific there that would be an argument for using anyURI over string. Most of the comments point back to the origins in XLink and to XLink not being particularly precise respectively sending mixed messages with regard to especially @xlink:arcrole and @xlink:role.

Judging from the examples in the EAD3 TL, I would assume that the idea was to move the usage of @linkrole towards more of an L[O]D approach by defining its data type as "anyURI" (see examples such as "" or "" or even "application/PDF").

Seeing that this would fit to what we are trying to achieve by the introduction of @valueURI and @vocabularySourceURI, using the data type anyURI for @linkRole seems to make sense in my opinion. Plus, it's still relatively open if someone wanted to use general text as its value. E.g. the following is valid for @href (which currently is also defined as anyURI in the draft for EAC-CPF 2.0):

  href="This is some general text with a selection of special characters and punctation marks such as 
  , ; . - _ # ' + * ´ ` ß ? = ) ( / $ § ! ° ^ « ∑ € ® † Ω ¨ ⁄ ø π • ü ± ‘ ' ≠ } { | ] [ ¢ ¶ “ ¡ å ‚ ∂ ƒ © ª º ∆ @ œ ö æ ä ≤ ¥ ≈ ç √ ∫ ~ µ ∞ … 
<!-- The only punctuation marks that I came across in this quick test that do throw a validation error are : and % -->
SJagodzinski commented 3 years ago

As we adopted @linkRole from EAD, we are going to use data type anyURI.

Might be changed during the Call for Comments period, if necessary.

ailie-s commented 3 years ago

Tag Library Text

Summary: A URI that characterizes the nature of the remote resource to which a linking element refers. Data type: anyURI

kerstarno commented 3 years ago

Tested as part of Schema Team's schema testing:

The above applies to both schemas, RNG and XSD.

The attribute is ready.