SAA-SDT / eas-schemas

Where TS-EAS manages EAD, EAC-CPF, and any other schemas published by the subcommittee.
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Consider adding @base to the entity elements agents, formsAvailable, functions, and places #108

Open kerstarno opened 2 months ago

kerstarno commented 2 months ago

Creator of issue

  1. Kerstin Arnold
  2. EAD team lead, TS-EAS
  3. @kerstarno

The issue relates to

Wanted change/feature

kerstarno commented 1 month ago

EAD team discussed this issue during their meeting on 24 May 2024.

While there was a tendency to agree with the suggestion of adding @base to <agents>, <formsAvailable>, <functions>, and <places>, the general question of active usage of @base was brought up as well. Furthermore, the point was raised that - theoretically - users of EAD 4.0 could apply @xml:base following the new possibility to include attributes from other namespaces, even if EAD 4.0 would not add @base here - or, potentially, remove @base completely.

To get a better understanding of whether or not @base is used by the community at the moment - or might be used in future - and in which scenarios, this question will be raised during the open drop-in sessions on 18 June and 9 July. A final decision will be taken after that.