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Properly handle 404s #1069

Open davmlaw opened 1 month ago

davmlaw commented 1 month ago

This was found because when DEBUG=False, the APPEND_SLASH doesn't work correctly.

This is because I added a custom handler, in urls we have:

handler404 = views.page_not_found

This calls:

variantgrid.views.custom_error_view which returns a 500

davmlaw commented 1 month ago

testing, vg test, now works

davmlaw commented 1 month ago

I think we need to test this in Shariant test, as we have custom error pages there, so test should also be that a garbage URL (eg "/admin4123123") fails properly as well

EmmaTudini commented 3 weeks ago

@davmlaw What should this do? What does fail properly mean? In prod vs test - if I input /classification/export12, it results in the same thing No slack 404 message and a "could not determine page" message

TheMadBug commented 3 weeks ago

This one is very technical, if we go to a made up URL in prod we get a 500 (generic server error) CleanShot 2024-06-13 at 15 11 09@2x

If we do it in test, we get a proper 404 page not found CleanShot 2024-06-13 at 15 12 14@2x

Having a 404 then lets Django attempt to try another match, specifically by adding a / to the end of the URL.

When this behaviour was broken going to /admin caused an error, but now if you go to /admin it creates a 404 behind the scenes and it will then try /admin/ which works.

EmmaTudini commented 3 weeks ago

Did a quick test of this with the 28941sd after allele in prod and test, and verified that prod when to a 500 error, and test to 404 error - Passed

Also did some other tests to ensure that links were still abiding security permissions.

EmmaTudini commented 3 weeks ago

@TheMadBug Are we supposed to get errors in slack about the 404 error?

TheMadBug commented 3 weeks ago

So we do get errors in rollbar for 404s CleanShot 2024-06-13 at 15 37 54@2x

but they are warnings specifically with the wording "PermissionDenied" in them, which we specifically don't report on Slack (I assume due to excessive number of them at some point).

I'll remove the special case for the reporting of them, in test, demo and prod. If we start getting spammed by the messages, we can re-evaluate.

EmmaTudini commented 3 weeks ago

So even me searching for a weird URL, doesn't cause a slack error - view_allele/28941sd

TheMadBug commented 3 weeks ago

Note... yup, just about to say the above. I'm not sure as to why that's not reporting, that said, we'll probably get hit by a bunch of requests from Russia of multiple times a day if those are sent.

Still I'd like to know why it's not since it seems to be configured to send it - though maybe Rollbar's reporting of 404 only happens when you manually raise a 404 (like we do when we can't find an object for an ID) and not when the URL doesn't match any known patterns.

TheMadBug commented 3 weeks ago

Looking at the documention for Rollbar, catching of 404s needs to be the first thing in the order of processes, while catching regular errors should be near the end.

We have our Rollbar catcher near the end, so if we add rollbar.contrib.django.middleware.RollbarNotifierMiddlewareOnly404 near the start that would probably catch them. Might save that for a new issue as prod doesn't currently report them, and I'd rather avoid changing the "middleware" at this stage so close to release.

TheMadBug commented 3 weeks ago

Handling of 404s is now in #3643, though given the above is the spam traffic we get, just from India, for half a day - if we reported every 404 our rollbar would explode. The upside is we do have messages for well formed URLs but with IDs that don't exist or the user doesn't have access to

EmmaTudini commented 3 weeks ago

@TheMadBug Can this be moved to pending release? Does #3643 need to happen before this deploy?

TheMadBug commented 3 weeks ago

Moving to pending release. I don't feel #3643 should be done at all, but just moved it out for separate discussion.