Open davmlaw opened 1 year ago
Tried generating mapping files:
from snpdb.models import GenomeBuild, Contig
builds = {"GRCh37": GenomeBuild.grch37(), "GRCh38": GenomeBuild.grch38()}
for name, genome_build in builds.items():
filename = f"snpdb/genome/reference/chrom_contig_mapping_{name.lower()}.txt"
with open(filename, "w") as f:
for c in genome_build.contigs:
if c.refseq_accession != 'na':
f.write(f"{} {c.refseq_accession}\n")
if c.ucsc_name not in (None, 'na'):
f.write(f"{c.ucsc_name} {c.refseq_accession}\n")
Then added to pipeline:
bcftools annotate --rename-chrs /home/dlawrence/localwork/variantgrid/snpdb/genome/reference/chrom_contig_mapping_grch38.txt
This still caused issues though. I also switched out vt for bcftools:
cat /tmp/tso500_cnv_decomposed.vcf | bcftools norm --check-ref=w --fasta-ref /data/annotation/fasta/GCF_000001405.25_GRCh37.p13_genomic.fna.gz
And that had same issue
bcftools: bgzf.c:2556: bgzf_useek: Assertion `fp->block_offset <= fp->block_length' failed.
Old issue:
VT is currently dying with CNV VCFs (see isssue #54), due to
[W::vcf_parse] Contig 'NC_000005.9' is not defined in the header. (Quick workaround: index the file with tabix.)
vt: bgzf.c:2404: bgzf_useek: Assertion `fp->block_offset <= fp->block_length' failed.
I found that if I add the contig to the header, it works fine.
The VCF header is not replaced as we are doing it manually in
We should instead switch to using bcftools annotate
as that also does the header (and is more standard etc)
So the crash was due to my fasta. I unzipped then bgzipped it again.
But I think I'll keep this change in, as it reduces the warnings by about 26 lines per VCF import
In we rename the chroms / contigs etc.
We should also rename the header as that is giving us lots of errrors/warnings downstream