SACGF / variantgrid

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Variant page - New somatic quick links #992

Open davmlaw opened 4 months ago

davmlaw commented 4 months ago

Maybe do #758 first/same time

Anna B suggested:

TheMadBug commented 4 months ago

So if you look at how QuickLinks works, we provide certain evidence keys to vc_links.js. When showing quick links, we only pass: variant coordinate variant string - as in str(variant) genome build canonical c.HGVS

There's a few keys that we have at the allele level that we don't currently pass: clingen_allele_id,

We don't pass gene symbol, as it's not something directly on the allele, though we could extract it from the canonical c.HGVS

Passing the gene_symbol to quick links should just enable OncoKB. Alternatively maybe we put a list of gene symbol quick links separate from the per variant quick links?

Note that quick links was developed as one of the first things of variant classifications, and have sat theere relatively untouched ever since.

davmlaw commented 1 month ago

We now have gene level quick links on the gene symbol page - which lets you click the onco KB, you need to click to expand

The other stuff doesn't have a way to do gene specific landing