SAE-Institute-Geneva / GPR5204_919

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Vectors - William & Lorna #1

Open eleonoradps opened 3 years ago

eleonoradps commented 3 years ago


The task given to us is to implement vectors in 2 weeks for the GPR5204 module at SAE Institute Geneva. Here is a list of what we're going to do for vectors 2, 3 and 4.

Vector 2


The method returns: (x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y)


The method returns: (x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y)


The method returns: (x rhs.x, y rhs.y)


The method returns: (x / rhs.x, y / rhs.y)

Dot product

The method returns: x v2.x + y v2.y

Cross product

The method returns: v1.x v2.y - v1.y v2.y


The method returns: sqrtf(x x + y y)

Sqr Magnitude

The method returns: x x + y y

Angle between

The method returns: acosf(Dot(v1, v2) / (v1.Magnitude() * v2.Magnitude()))


We use std::clamp for t with a specific range of [0-1] Then the method returns: Vec2f(v1.x + (v2.x - v1.x) t, v1.y + (v2.y - v1.y) t)


First, we multiply Acos(dot) by t to return the angle between v1 and the result: float theta = Mathf.Acos(Dot(v1, v2)) t Vec2f relativeVec = v2 – v1 Dot (v1, v2) relativeVec.Normalize()

Then the method returns: ((v1 cos(theta)) + relativeVec sin(theta)))


The method returns: Vec2f (x / Magnitude(), y / Magnitude())


First, we convert the angle from degree to radian with angle = (2 PI) - angle Then the method returns: Vec2f((v1.x cos(angle)) + (v1.y -sin(angle)), (v1.x sin(angle)) + (v1.y * cos(angle)))

Vector 3


The method returns: (x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z)


The method returns: (x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z)


The method returns: (x rhs.x, y rhs.y, z * rhs.z)


The method returns: (x / rhs.x, y / rhs.y, z / rhs.z)

Dot product

The method returns: (x rhs.x + y rhs.y + z * rhs.z)

Cross product

The method returns: Vec3f (v1.y v2.z – v1.z v2.y, v1.z v2.x – v1.x v2.z, v1.x v2.y - v1.y v2.x)


The method returns: sqrtf(x x + y y + z * z)

Sqr Magnitude

The method returns: x x + y y + z * z

Angle between

The method returns: acosf(Dot(v1, v2) / (v1.Magnitude() * v2.Magnitude()))


We use std::clamp for t with a specific range of [0-1] Then the method returns: Vec3f (v1 + t * (v2 – v1))


First, we multiply Acos(dot) by t to return the angle between v1 and the final result: float theta = Mathf.Acos(Dot(v1, v2)) t Vec3f relativeVec = v2 – v1 Dot (v1, v2) relativeVec.Normalize()

Then the method returns: ((v1 cos(theta)) + relativeVec sin(theta)))


The method returns: Vec3f (x / Magnitude(), y / Magnitude(), z / Magnitude())


We cannot do the rotation for Vector3 since there isn’t anyone working on quaternions.

Vector 4


The method returns: (x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z, w + rhs.w)


The method returns: (x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z, w - rhs.w)


The method returns: (x rhs.x, y rhs.y, z rhs.z, w rhs.w)


The method returns: (x / rhs.x, y / rhs.y, z / rhs.z, w / rhs.w)

Dot product

The method returns: (x rhs.x + y rhs.y + z rhs.z + w rhs.w)


The method returns: sqrtf(x x + y y + z z + w w)

Sqr Magnitude

The method returns: x x + y y + z z + w w


We use std::clamp for t with a specific range of [0-1] Then the method returns: Vec4f (v1 + t * (v2 – v1))


The method returns: Vec4f (x / Magnitude(), y / Magnitude(), z / Magnitude(), w / Magnitude())

EliasFarhan commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the overall list of methods. Some little details: