Create and draft Acknowledgements document, following instructions outlined here.
[x] Create Intro.qmd
[x] Add 'Background' paragraph from the PAM SI Vision Statement.docx
[x] Copy the 2nd sentence from 'Project Tasks & Key Activities' from the PAM SI Proposal Revised Sept 18, 2023.docx
[x] Add 'Proposal-Intro-Fig.jpg'. Provide the following caption: "Key Activities Identified by the Passive Acoustic Monitoring Strategic Initiative", and under 'Attributes' ID section, put 'Intro-diagram'.
[x] Link Intro.qmd to _quarto.yml
[x] Respond here on Github, add a comment stating what was done, and then re-assign to Becca and Sofie for final editing.
Create and draft Acknowledgements document, following instructions outlined here.