SAFE-Stack / SAFE-template

dotnet CLI template for SAFE project
MIT License
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Successfully upgraded to SAFE-template version 5! But missing guidelines with server client setup. #583

Closed halcwb closed 6 months ago

halcwb commented 7 months ago

First of all, great that SAFE-stack is now fully on the latest F#, dotnet, etc.. versions!

I also used the upgrade recipe, however, I think this only involves a client setup. It should be really useful to have some more documentation on how to:

  1. Use a server client setup
  2. Add docker support
  3. Use JSX literals
  4. Add more js libs using femto
  5. etc...

A problem I ran into is that a vite build seems to behave differently from what it used to be regarding parsing the fable generated jsx files, see issue:

For my current upgrade, see:


isaacabraham commented 7 months ago

Hey. We're still upgrading all the recipes and you can expect a bunch of them in the next days to drop, including Docker, Server / Client setup, Femto etc.. Regarding the Vite build - can you raise a separate issue for that? Thanks!

martinbryant commented 6 months ago

Hi @halcwb

Thanks for your comment.

Please have a look at the current SAFE stack docs and if you can suggest anything else you would like to see then we would be happy to have a look into it.

halcwb commented 6 months ago

@isaacabraham and @martinbryant

Great, I will try and look into that as soon as possible. Only that could take a while as my clinical duties keep me from programming as much as I would like to.

martinbryant commented 6 months ago

@halcwb Let me know if I can assist with anything else upgrade wise.

Please feel free to open an issue at if you have any ideas for documentation you would like to see