With no detection or conversion into a first class object. I think the code would do the following:
1) at run, the code looks for all items in a given backend target (e.g. aml), and decides if they're present or not
2) if everything is present, it migrates the block into a box (maybe the runtime options box?)
3) then templates pick up from the runtime options box the values.
Some backends require a significant amount of runtime options to be set -
Ideally, the backend author could provide: a) a list of these in a well structured format b) an indication if they are required or not (for parsing)
however, right now, they're just treated like a property bag - https://github.com/SAME-Project/same-project/blob/main/sameproject/cli/run.py#L58
With no detection or conversion into a first class object. I think the code would do the following:
1) at
, the code looks for all items in a given backend target (e.g. aml), and decides if they're present or not 2) if everything is present, it migrates the block into a box (maybe the runtime options box?) 3) then templates pick up from the runtime options box the values.Thoughts?