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2010 list confusion #51

Closed reupost closed 6 years ago

reupost commented 6 years ago

Sorry Rukaya, I'm getting confused.

The 2010 list you emailed previously had 689 plant species ('ssp.csv') and 281 animals ('ssp-animals.csv'). The list we've been emailing as 'National Sensitive Species List as at 03 Oct 2017.xlsx' also has the full 970 entries (animals + plants = 970).

But the 2010 list linked here only has 226 entries. These are all plants, but its still nowhere near the 689 in the list that we've been working from.

Any ideas?

rukayaj commented 6 years ago

TL;DR: ssp.csv is much longer because includes all plants in each genera listed in sensitive_species_list_2010.xlsx. Brenda requested this.

Errm. Hmm. This happened quite a long time ago now, I don't remember what happened.

Ok I was told to work off the "SensitiveTaxa_Plants_merge_12May2010.xlsx" which I think I sent you + Selwyn. It's got 215 entries and it sometimes lists whole genera, so for each genus, I extracted all the species names from BRAHMS and added them manually. That gives ssp.csv's 689 species.

I thought the 2010 list was just be a copy of that 12May2010 spreadsheet with a handful more species added because of splits/name changes/whatever, but it doesn't seem to be (always lists species, never genera). I did a comparison to see what is in ssp.csv and not in sensitive_species_list_2010.xlsx and this is the result (list of genera + count of how many species in each genera):

Aloe | 133 Aloidendron | 1 Anacampseros | 39 Avonia | 6 Bulbine | 1 Cassipourea | 1 Clivia | 7 Dioscorea | 1 Disa | 1 Encephalartos | 37 Euphorbia | 165 Gasteria | 1 Gibbaeum | 1 Haworthia | 157 Haworthiopsis | 3 Hoodia | 9 Isoetes | 1 Lithops | 29 Muraltia | 1 Pachypodium | 4

And now my memory is very vaguely jogged - I think Brenda might have told me to include every species from all genera listed in SensitiveTaxa_Plants_merge_12May2010.xlsx list. I think that must be it, because if I look at the genera list of the sensitive_species_list_2010.xlsx and the genera of ssp.csv they overlap completely apart from 2 genera included in ssp.csv - Aloidendron and Haworthiopsis. Both of which are I think new genera? This article says Aloidendron is a new genera, and from google Haworthiopsis also seems to be new (2013).

rukayaj commented 6 years ago

Keeping track of this issue. From Reuben:

There are 59 names on the list of 226 "SensitiveTaxa_Plants_merge_12May2010.xlsx" sensitive species which have been omitted from the ssp.csv longer list (these are included below).


FULLNAME Alepidea amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh. var. amatymbica Alepidea amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh. var. aquatica (Kuntze) Weim. Alepidea amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh. var. microbracteata Weim. Aloe brevifolia (Aiton) Haw. [1] Aloe brevifolia Mill. [2] Aloe brevifolia Mill. var. postgenita (Schult. & J.H.Schult.) Baker Aloe brevifolia Mill. var. serra (DC.) A.Berger Aloe krapohliana Marloth var. dumoulinii Lavranos Aloe peglerae Schönland Aloe pillansii L.Guthrie Ansellia africana Lindl. var. australis Summerh. Ansellia africana Lindl. var. nilotica Baker Balanites maughamii Sprague subsp. acuta Sands Balanites maughamii Sprague subsp. maughamii Bowiea volubilis Harv. ex Hook.f. subsp. volubilis Cassipourea gummiflua Tul. var. verticillata (N.E.Br.) J.Lewis Clivia robusta B.G.Murray, Ran, de Lange, Hammett, Truter & Swanev. Conophytum herreanthus S.A.Hammer subsp. herreanthus Cotyledon tomentosa Harv. subsp. ladismithiensis (Poelln.) Toelken Cotyledon tomentosa Harv. subsp. tomentosa Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. var. brevipes (Burtt Davy) Burkill Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. var. multiflora (Marloth) Burkill Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. var. paniculata (Dümmer) Burkill Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. var. rehmannii (Baker) Burkill Dioscorea sylvatica Eckl. var. sylvatica Disa lugens Bolus var. nigrescens (H.P.Linder) H.P.Linder Euphorbia astrophora Marx Euphorbia bayeri L.C.Leach Euphorbia franksiae N.E.Br. Euphorbia franksiae N.E.Br. var. franksiae [9] Euphorbia obesa Hook.f. subsp. obesa [9] Euphorbia obesa Hook.f. subsp. symmetrica (A.C.White, R.A.Dyer & B.Sloane) G.D.Rowley Euphorbia woodii N.E.Br. Gasteria nitida (Salm-Dyck) Haw. var. armstrongii (Schönland) Van Jaarsv. Haworthia attenuata (Haw.) Haw. Haworthia attenuata (Haw.) Haw. var. attenuata Haworthia attenuata (Haw.) Haw. var. glabrata Salm-Dyck & M.B.Bayer Haworthia attenuata (Haw.) Haw. var. radula (Jacq.) M.B.Bayer Haworthia bruynsii M.B.Bayer Haworthia heidelbergensis Gideon F.Sm. var. heidelbergensis Haworthia kingiana Poelln. Haworthia koelmaniorum Oberm. & D.S.Hardy var. koelmaniorum [9] Haworthia koelmaniorum Oberm. & D.S.Hardy var. mcmurtryi (C.L.Scott) M.B.Bayer Haworthia magnifica Poelln. var. acuminata (M.B.Bayer) M.B.Bayer Haworthia magnifica Poelln. var. dekenahii (G.G.Sm.) M.B.Bayer Haworthia magnifica Poelln. var. splendens S.A.Hammer & J.D.Venter Haworthia marginata (Lam.) Stearn Haworthia mirabilis (Haw.) Haw. subsp. mirabilis Haworthia mutica Haw. var. nigra M.B.Bayer Haworthia pubescens M.B.Bayer var. pubescens Haworthia serrata M.B.Bayer Haworthia subattenuata (Salm-Dyck) Baker Haworthia truncata Schönland var. maughanii (Poelln.) B.Fearn Haworthia truncata Schönland var. truncata Haworthia venosa (Lam.) Haw. Lithops lesliei (N.E.Br.) N.E.Br. Muraltia satureioides DC. var. salteri (Levyns) & Levyns Pelargonium reniforme Curtis subsp. reniforme Pelargonium reniforme Curtis subsp. velutinum (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Dreyer

rukayaj commented 6 years ago

These names might be caused by a few things:

rukayaj commented 6 years ago

Suggestion: seeing as we aren't doing any importing any more we just make the original list available on the site and use that alone.

reupost commented 6 years ago

Ok. I'll assemble a version of the short list of 226 species, but with the justifications and threats included for logged-in users to download. That has value I think, but untangling what's happening with the long list is probably not worthwhile. I'd imagine you're right, the species names have changed in the interim, but for the purposes of staying true to what was defined in 2010 I'm going to stick with those names.

rukayaj commented 6 years ago

Great, thanks.

reupost commented 6 years ago

Sorted as per issue #30