Sandag ABM
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WIP CVM calibration for updated CVS weights #167

Closed aber-sandag closed 1 month ago

aber-sandag commented 1 month ago

In-progress CVM calibration based on updated weights for commercial vehicle survey.

route_stop_location has been updated with distance coefficients separated from AOC coefficients.

bhargavasana commented 1 month ago

WIP CVM calibration for updated CVS weights: (1) 2022 establishments control was updated based on new CBP and EDD data (2) Outlier analysis and detection was updated using bootstrap method (as opposed to normal distribution assumption) (3) Outlier values were winsorized based on the thresholds determined above using bootstrap method to build confidence intervals (4) Finally, a truck utilization factor of 90% was assumed (as opposed to the previous 100% assumption) As a result, CV calibration targets changed significantly.