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161 remove tnc accessegress skims from the model #169

Open aletzdy opened 1 month ago

aletzdy commented 1 month ago

Proposed changes

Removing TNC access/egress skims from the model


This update will reduce model runtime and disk usage:

Types of changes

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How has this been tested?

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Further comments

Code was reviewed by SANDAG staff.

aber-sandag commented 1 month ago

Visitor model trip mode choice preprocessor still references TNC skims. However, these lines (122-134) are no longer used, so it would be best to just remove them. Does not need to be part of this PR unless these lines result in errors with missing TNC skims.

aber-sandag commented 1 month ago

TNC skims still referenced in write trip matrices annotator for crossborder and visitor models. These models do not use TNC-transit mode, so these lines are unused and should be removed. As above, does not need to be part of this PR unless it is causing errors.

aber-sandag commented 2 weeks ago

TNC skims still referenced in write trip matrices annotator for crossborder and visitor models. These models do not use TNC-transit mode, so these lines are unused and should be removed. As above, does not need to be part of this PR unless it is causing errors.

I ran a scenario with these changes, and it crashed in Crossborder due to this issue (AssertionError: 3d skim key TNCOUT_LOC_TOTALIVTT not in skims). Presumably all cases I mentioned previously where TNC skims are still referenced (though unused) need to be resolved. It should be possible to just remove these lines.

aber-sandag commented 2 weeks ago

After removing the mentioned lines, 2022 and 2035 build scenarios completed successfully. Did not find any clear differences in mode share compared to previous runs, though difficult to tell due to low volume of TNC transit trips.