SANSA-Stack / Archived-SANSA-Query

SANSA Query Layer
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can not run Query example #42

Closed purohitsumit closed 4 years ago

purohitsumit commented 5 years ago

Here is my example code `val sc = sparkSession.sparkContext val sqlc = sparkSession.sqlContext

val filepath = "./data/xxxxx.ttl"

val triples = sparkSession.rdf(lang)(filepath)

//Query import net.sansastack.query.spark.query. val sparqlQuery = "SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 10" val result = triples.sparql(sparqlQuery) result.rdd.foreach(println) `

I get following error

`CAST TO string CAST TO string CAST TO double precision CAST TO string CAST TO string Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException: mismatched input 'FROM' expecting (line 2, pos 0)

== SQL == SELECT a_45.C_3 C_3, a_45.C_4 C_4, a_45.C_5 C_5, a_45.C_11 C_11, a_45.C_6 C_6, a_45.C_10 C_10, a_45.C_7 C_7, a_45.C_8 C_8, a_45.C_9 C_9, a_45.C_14 C_14, a_45.C_13 C_13, a_45.C_12 C_12 FROM ^^^ ( SELECT a_1.s C_14, CAST(NULL AS string) C_13, CAST(NULL AS bigint) C_12, CAST(NULL AS string) C_11, a_1.o C_10, CAST('' AS string) C_3, CAST(NULL AS string) C_5, CAST(NULL AS string) C_4, CAST(NULL AS string) C_7, CAST(NULL AS string) C_6, CAST(NULL AS double precision) C_9, CAST(NULL AS string) C_8, CAST('urn:x-arq:DefaultGraph' AS string) `C_15``

Am i missing something here ? I am using 0.6.1-SNAPSHOT version of "sense-rdf" and "sense-query"


GezimSejdiu commented 5 years ago

Hi @purohitsumit ,

many thanks for using SANSA.

Could you print just a subset of triples without querying it? e.g.

val filepath = "./data/xxxxx.ttl"

val triples = sparkSession.rdf(lang)(filepath)

and let me know if the parsing isn't an issue? And also, are you specifying the lang to be turtle syntax

val lang = Lang.TURTLE

as your data are using .ttl extension?

In case you are using a public dataset where we can also run that SPARQL query, would be great for debugging/troubleshooting purpose.

Best regards,

purohitsumit commented 5 years ago

Hi @GezimSejdiu

I do specify the language using val lang = Lang.TURTLE

After some debugging, i observed that the parser has issue with e-notation data ex: 34e-02

I took a sample turtle file from select query and added a dummy triple as :

` @prefix foaf: .

:a foaf:name "Alice" ; foaf:knows :b ; foaf:age 34e-02 ; foaf:knows _:c .

_:b foaf:name "Bob" .

:c foaf:name "Clare" . :c foaf:nick "CT" .


I get the exception as shown above.

at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException.withCommand(ParseDriver.scala:241) at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.AbstractSqlParser.parse(ParseDriver.scala:117) at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkSqlParser.parse(SparkSqlParser.scala:48) at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.AbstractSqlParser.parsePlan(ParseDriver.scala:69) at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession.sql(SparkSession.scala:642) at net.sansa_stack.query.spark.sparqlify.QueryExecutionSpark$.createQueryExecution(QueryExecutionSpark.scala:26) at net.sansa_stack.query.spark.query.package$SparqlifyAsDefault.sparql(package.scala:40)

I think It is related to #34


Aklakan commented 4 years ago

Yes, this is the same as #34 - ('double precision' in the generated sql instead of just 'double') Fixed.