SAP-archive / cloud-s4-sdk-pipeline

The Cloud SDK pipeline uses the Cloud SDK continuous delivery server for building, checking, and deploying extension applications. Projects based on the SAP Cloud SDK archetype will automatically use this pipeline.
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sonarqubescan #37

Closed T1mey closed 4 years ago

T1mey commented 4 years ago

Issue Description (Mandatory)

How to execute a sonar scan ? Documentation says:


The pipeline is not executing the stage: sonarqubescan Even if I configure sonarExecuteScan it's getting skipped.

Log Output (Mandatory)

Stage "SonarQube Scan" skipped due to when conditional

fwilhe commented 4 years ago

Hi @T1mey,

I assume you're not on the productive branch.

Two options:

Either push to your productive branch and it will be executed.

Or enable runInAllBranches. Note that this requires the commercial version of sonar qube.

I think we can make this more clear in the docs. See code if you're interested in the implementation.



T1mey commented 4 years ago

Found the invocation problem... did not had sonarQubeScan in stages.. was in steps. Thanks for info about sonar version. I assume that we have only non commercial... must check this.

Have another problem downloading the binaries

Execution failed - Download of sonar-scanner failed: HTTP GET request to failed with error: error calling Get dial tcp: lookup on no such host

Are you using curl or httRequest ?

fwilhe commented 4 years ago

I'm not too familiar with this step as it was developed in another team, but it seems to use the go http client, cf if you're interested in the implementation.

You might try using a sonar docker image which avoids the need to download the binaries as part of your pipeline.

    dockerImage: sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:latest

Try this config. Be aware that this contains a very outdated version of node.js if this is an issue for you.

Hope this helps.

T1mey commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the hint. Is the go client using a proxy or can I specify one over params?

Will try the docker image first. Maybe need to build an own one because of selfsigned certs in chain.

What I did'nt get if I have to configure stage sonarQubeScan and step exexuteSonarScan ?!?

T1mey commented 4 years ago

@fwilhe Seems that loading certs is somehow suported but not documented:


fwilhe commented 4 years ago

@fwilhe Seems that loading certs is somehow suported but not documented:


I can't comment on that, I'm not familiar with that code. Where is this from?

daniel-kurzynski commented 4 years ago

customTlsCertificateLinks: List of comma-separated download links to custom TLS certificates. This is required to ensure trusted connections to instances with custom certificates.

I think that is the only documentation

fwilhe commented 4 years ago

What I did'nt get if I have to configure stage sonarQubeScan and step exexuteSonarScan ?!?

This might depend on the individual option. Mostly this is due to historic reasons, and we try to harmonize it with project "Piper" as far as possible.

T1mey commented 4 years ago

I created an own docker image and was able to upload to sonarqube. As we have installed the OWASP dependency plugin in sonarqube I would like to invoke the dependency check file generation. One option is to use maven for this.

mvn clean package dependency-check:aggregate

In my opinion not the best option because we need it for NodeJS and maybe other languages as well.

Is there any way to invoke the dependency check tool in a common way?

fwilhe commented 4 years ago

Is there any way to invoke the dependency check tool in a common way?

I'm not sure if I understand what you need. Some way to abstract maven/npm? "common" between what?

T1mey commented 4 years ago

To be able to identify 3rd party libs which have vulnerabilities we would like to use

Sonarqube has a plugin installed which is able to visualize them and the sonar-scanner-cli is able to upload it. Therfore some files have to be generated before the sonar-scanner-cli runs in the pipeline.

Options would be (as I understand it)

Dependency-Check is available as a:

Command-line utility (as docker) Ant Task Gradle Plugin Jenkins Plugin Maven Plugin SonarQube Plugin


fwilhe commented 4 years ago

We currently don't have support for that, and I don't know the tool well enough to say anything about it. You might try a stage level extension for the build stage where you run the cli tool, or the maven plugin.

Very roughly (and untested(!)), this might look similar to something like this


void call(Map params) {

  sh '' // for a shell script

  // for a maven plugin
        script: parameters.script,
        flags: '--batch-mode',
        pomPath: 'application/pom.xml',
        m2Path: s4SdkGlobals.m2Directory,
        goals: ['dependency-check:aggregate'],
return this
T1mey commented 4 years ago

I will try the stage level extension later. For now I have it nearly running with maven. Just one piece is missing. My generated files are not stashed for sonar. I tried this:

stashIncludes: ['buildResult': '**/target/*.jar, **/*.mtar, checkmarx:**/*.js, **/*.scala, **/*.py, **/*.go, **/*.d, **/*.di, **/*.xml, **/*.html', 'classFiles': '**/target/classes/**/*.class, **/target/test-classes/**/*.class', 'sonar':'**/jacoco*.exec, **/, dependency-check-report.*'] But I'm struggeling with the syntax.

Docu just says:


How do I override the sonar stash correctly ?

fwilhe commented 4 years ago

Docu just says:

I don't know which documentation you refer to. Also what you're currently trying to do is not as of now a feature we support. Sorry, but I don't even know what you're trying to do, which pipeline you're using. I can't offer support for that.

T1mey commented 4 years ago


The piper docu for step pipelineStashFilesAfterBuild

daniel-kurzynski commented 4 years ago

We are currently not using pipelineStashFilesAfterBuild in our pipeline. Furthermore, you would also have to take care about unstashing the files in the sonar qube stage. As an alternative you could also extend the sonar qube stage and might not have to deal with stashing. However, I am not sure if all required files are there.