SAP-archive / devops-cm-client

Simple command line interface to handle basic change management related actions via ODATA requests.
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Fiori apps Deploy to ABAP system using CI #65

Closed tomocci closed 2 years ago

tomocci commented 2 years ago

I try to deploy and upload transport to ABAP system using CI. I refferred to the below a guide site.

I created the cm client using docker. And I executed the below command. fiori deploy --noConfig -t XXXXXXX -u https://XXXXXXX.XXXX:XXXX -p ZXX01 -n ZFIORIDEMO -l nnn -e "FioriDeployTest" -y --username ABAP_USER --password ABAP_PASSWORD

So I got this errors. -----ERROR Message--------- WARN Add:Deploy-config undefined WARN Add:Flp-config undefined info builder:custom deploy-to-abap Create Archive info builder:custom deploy-to-abap Starting Deployment. ERR! builder:custom deploy-to-abap Deployment Failed. ERR! builder:custom deploy-to-abap unable to verify the first certificate

The result file of a deployment was created as below. ----Project Directory------- root@46352155e8ca:/var/jenkins_home/workspace/FioriTest# ls FioriDemo.mtar mta.yaml resources xs-security.json Gruntfile.js package-lock.json supplierlist Jenkinsfile package.json transportRequestUploadCTS_errorDetails.json piper whitesource

I added the custom certificate in this environment. The certificate was correct as below.

openssl s_client -connect xxxxxx.xxxxx:xxxx

-----Result-------- CONNECTED(00000003) depth=1 C = XX, ST = XXXXXX, O = SOLMAN LOCAL CA, CN = SOLMAN LOCAL CA verify return:1 depth=0 C = DE, O = SAP Trust Community, OU = SAP Web AS, OU = XXXXXXXXXX, CN = *.xxxxx verify return:1

Certificate chain 0 s:C = DE, O = SAP Trust Community, OU = SAP Web AS, OU =XXXXXXXXXX, , CN =*.xxxxx i:C = XX, ST = XXXX, O = SOLMAN LOCAL CA, CN = SOLMAN LOCAL CA

Peer signing digest: SHA512 Peer signature type: RSA Server Temp Key: ECDH, P-256, 256 bits

SSL handshake has read 1557 bytes and written 444 bytes Verification: OK

Please let me know how to regist the certificate to Fiori tool.


rodibrin commented 2 years ago


How does your docker image of the cm client look like?

Add the certificate to the trust store of the java runtime environment on the image using the keytool:

keytool -noprompt -import -file <cert file> -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -storepass <password>

tomocci commented 2 years ago

@rodibrin Thank you for your reply.

My docker image was created using Dockerfile as below. -----DockerFile------ FROM node USER root RUN npm install -global @ui5/cli @sap/ux-ui5-tooling @ui5/logger @ui5/fs ENV ABAP_USER=XXXXXX ABAP_PASSWORD=XXXXXX COPY clientx5092.pem /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/clientx5092 COPY cacert.pem /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/cacert COPY XXXXX.pem /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/XXXXX RUN echo mozilla/clientx5092 >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf RUN echo mozilla/cacert >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf RUN echo mozilla/XXXXXX >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf RUN echo xxxxxxx.xxxxx xx.x.x.x >> /etc/hosts RUN update-ca-certificates USER node

I can't find the java runtime environment in my cm client. Do I need the java runtime in the cm client? Thank you. Best regards, Tomoko.

rodibrin commented 2 years ago

@tomocci my fault, i was focused on SAP/devops-cm-client which contains a java client to access. But you are using the node based client.

Try to disable the TSL validation by adding the following line to the dockerfile:


if that works add your certificate by the following dockerfile entry instead

ENV NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=[your CA certificate file path]

tomocci commented 2 years ago

@ridubrub Thank you! I set the environment variable of the node as you said. I confirm it works! Thanks for this improvement!! Best regards, Tomoko