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Kubernetes Security Walnut
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Mutate service token pod webhook #66

Closed dacappo closed 5 years ago

dacappo commented 5 years ago


Introduces a new option remove-default for When this option is configured for a namespace, all pods that do not explicitly require the default service account do not mount the default token. The mutating hook removes the default service account token volume mount for each container and pod definition.

Additionally, unit-tests for the existing options non-default and forbidden were implemented.

Adressing issue #55.


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marwinski commented 5 years ago

We have had a lengthy discussion on the automountServiceAccountToken issue today. It appears we might want something that we have not implemented and not thought of so far. Lets look at the automountServiceAccountToken setting which can be configured both on the service account and pod level. We have checked the non-obvious combinations and listed all of them in the table below:

# service account pod token mounted
1 true true true
2 false true true
3 true false false
4 false false false
5 not defined not defined true
6 not defined true true
7 not defined false false
8 true not defined true
9 false not defined false

Service accounts are generally not problematic from a security point of view or evil but can be dead useful. There is however a certain danger of accidentally allowing attackers more privileges than they should have.

We can assume that users know what they are doing when they explicitly specify automountServiceAccountToken in their pod spec. This means that lines 1,2,6 should not be problematic. The service account token is not mounted in lines 3,4,7. This leaves lines 5,8,9 where in cases 5 and 8 the token could be accidentally mounted.

I would further assume that "accidents" mainly happen with the default service account (which is the default for pods). If a user specifies another service account mounting the token is probably desired and possible security implications might be addressed.

automountServiceAccountToken is not specified by default on the default service account so it will be mounted into pods if users do not specifically set the property to false.

Trying to forbid mounting the service account token will not work, see the Kubernetes documentation: If automountServiceAccount token is forbidden user can easily create a secret and mount that into the pod.

Based on the discussion above I propose the following: Recocile an automountServiceAccountToken: false into all default service accounts unless the namespace specifies a particular annotation.