SAP-samples / abap-platform-rap-workshops

This repository contains materials for workshops about the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP).
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Facing issue while creating Purchase Requisition using RAP FACADE for RAP610 On stack scenario #21

Open vivekaccentt opened 7 months ago

vivekaccentt commented 7 months ago

Hi team,

I need help.. I am working on RAP 610 scenario and facing issue while running the test class created for creation of Purchase requisition. I am getting following runtime error - Could you please review and help?? I am using S/4HANA on Prem 2023 system, created package with ABAP on cloud SW component version to develop this Embedded Steampunk scenario.

Convert Key statement is going into runtime error -

LOOP AT mapped-purchaserequisition ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(). CONVERT KEY OF i_purchaserequisitiontp FROM -%pid TO DATA(ls_ctr).

-PurchaseRequisition = ls_ctr-PurchaseRequisition. ENDLOOP. **Runtime error details:** **Header Information Short Text An RAP contract has been violated. Runtime Error BEHAVIOR_CONTRACT_VIOLATION Program ZCL_TEST_PR_OPERATIONS========CP Date/Time 07.02.2024 01:47:03 (System) User MOB31 Client 800 Host S4DEV_S4D_21 What happened? Error in the ABAP application program. The current ABAP program "ZCL_TEST_PR_OPERATIONS========CP" had to be terminated because it found a statement that could not be executed. An RAP contract has been violated: "CC/C:CONVERT_KEY_NOT_MAPPED". Affected Behavior Definition / Entity: "R_PURCHASEREQUISITIONTP". Operation / Value: "15C3CA10B0E61EDEB1A5959BF6188D74". Error analysis The reason for the runtime error (see the list below) is: (2) Runtime errors in connection with contract violations can occur for the following reasons: (0) This contract violation always causes an error to occur. (1) It is required by the "strict” specification in the current BO. (2) It is required by the "strict” specification in the BO that is called. (3) The contract violation occurs in Restricted ABAP. (4) The corresponding checkpoint group is set to "error". (5) The violation occurs in a BO enhancement in Restricted ABAP. The ABAP program must be corrected. Additional information about the various contract violations: - "MISSING_CID": Every EML operation that has field %CID (instance-generating operations) should be supplied with a unique value in this field. ???APDOCU ABAPRAP_BO_CONTRACT - "EMPTY_UPDATE": Every EML-UPDATE operation should supply at least one non-key field for every update record. In the %CONTROLS structure of every update record, at least one flag should therefore be set for a non-key field. - "DUPLICATE_UPDATE", "DUPLICATE_DELETE", "DUPLICATE_EXECUTE": - "AUGM_RELATING": A “Modify Augmenting” statement that performs operations on instances that are not already included in the original request should relate these instances to instances from the original request using the RELATING addition, since otherwise responses cannot be assigned. - "AUGM_OVERWRITE": A “Modify Augmenting” statement must not overwrite any fields from the original request. This means that the same %CONTROL flag must not be set for the same instance in both the original change and in the "Augmenting" change. - "DERIVED_TYPE_CONFLICT": - "CONVERT_KEY_NOT_MAPPED": In the "ADJUST_NUMBERS" phase, a BO with "Late Numbering" must return the mapping of all assigned temporary keys (PIDs) to final keys so that these can be retrieved using the CONVERT KEY statement. ???APDOCU ABENBDL_LATE_NUMBERING statement that performs operations on instances that are not already included in the original request should relate these instances to instances from the original request using the RELATING addition, since otherwise responses cannot be assigned. In case of contract violation "AUGM_OVERWRITE": A “Modify Augmenting” statement must not overwrite any fields from the original request. This means that the same %CONTROL flag must not be set for the same instance in both the original change and in the "Augmenting" change. Information on where terminated The termination occurred in ABAP program or include "ZCL_TEST_PR_OPERATIONS========CP", in "IF_OO_ADT_CLASSRUN~MAIN". The main program was "SAPMSSY1". In the source code, the termination point is in line 121 of include "ZCL_TEST_PR_OPERATIONS========CM001". include "ZCL_TEST_PR_OPERATIONS========CM001".** **Source Code of the class:** CLASS zcl_test_pr_operations DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_test_pr_operations IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main. DATA: purchase_requisitions TYPE TABLE FOR CREATE I_PurchaserequisitionTP, purchase_requisition TYPE STRUCTURE FOR CREATE I_PurchaserequisitionTP, purchase_requisition_items TYPE TABLE FOR CREATE i_purchaserequisitionTP\_PurchaseRequisitionItem, purchase_requisition_item TYPE STRUCTURE FOR CREATE i_purchaserequisitiontp\\purchaserequisition\_purchaserequisitionitem, purchase_reqn_acct_assgmts TYPE TABLE FOR CREATE I_PurchaseReqnItemTP\_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt, purchase_reqn_acct_assgmt TYPE STRUCTURE FOR CREATE I_PurchaseReqnItemTP\_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt, purchase_reqn_item_texts TYPE TABLE FOR CREATE I_PurchaseReqnItemTP\_PurchaseReqnItemText, purchase_reqn_item_text TYPE STRUCTURE FOR CREATE I_PurchaseReqnItemTP\_PurchaseReqnItemText, delivery_date TYPE I_PurchaseReqnItemTP-DeliveryDate. delivery_date = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ) + 14. * DATA n TYPE i. ** * n += 1. "purchase requisition purchase_requisition = VALUE #( %cid = 'My%CID_1' purchaserequisitiontype = 'NB' PurReqnDescription = CONV string( cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_time( ) + 1 ) ) . APPEND purchase_requisition TO purchase_requisitions. "purchase requisition item purchase_requisition_item = VALUE #( %cid_ref = 'My%CID_1' %target = VALUE #( ( %cid = 'My%ItemCID_1' plant = '4111' purchaserequisitionitemtext = 'Test Released APIs 123' accountassignmentcategory = 'Q' requestedquantity = '10' baseunit = 'TO' purchaserequisitionprice = '200.00' purreqnitemcurrency = 'USD' Material = '000000000000000063' materialgroup = '01' purchasinggroup = '001' * purchasingorganization = '4111' DeliveryDate = delivery_date ) ) ). APPEND purchase_requisition_item TO purchase_requisition_items. "purchase requisition account assignment purchase_reqn_acct_assgmt = VALUE #( %cid_ref = 'My%ItemCID_1' %target = VALUE #( ( %cid = 'My%AccntCID_1' * CostCenter = 'JMW-COST' GLAccount = '0000300000' quantity = '10' ) ) ) . APPEND purchase_reqn_acct_assgmt TO purchase_reqn_acct_assgmts . "purchase requisition item text purchase_reqn_item_text = VALUE #( %cid_ref = 'My%ItemCID_1' %target = VALUE #( ( %cid = 'My%TextCID_1' textobjecttype = 'B01' language = 'E' plainlongtext = 'Commandline test via F9' ) ) ) . APPEND purchase_reqn_item_text TO purchase_reqn_item_texts. "EML deep create statement "purchase reqn MODIFY ENTITIES OF i_purchaserequisitiontp ENTITY purchaserequisition CREATE FIELDS ( purchaserequisitiontype PurReqnDescription ) WITH purchase_requisitions "purchase reqn item CREATE BY \_purchaserequisitionitem FIELDS ( plant purchaserequisitionitemtext accountassignmentcategory requestedquantity baseunit purchaserequisitionprice purreqnitemcurrency Material materialgroup purchasinggroup * purchasingorganization DeliveryDate ) WITH purchase_requisition_items "purchase reqn account assignment ENTITY purchaserequisitionitem CREATE BY \_purchasereqnacctassgmt FIELDS ( * CostCenter GLAccount Quantity * BaseUnit ) WITH purchase_reqn_acct_assgmts "purchase reqn item text CREATE BY \_purchasereqnitemtext FIELDS ( plainlongtext ) WITH purchase_reqn_item_texts REPORTED DATA(reported) MAPPED DATA(mapped) FAILED DATA(failed). LOOP AT mapped-purchaserequisition INTO DATA(mapped_pr). out->write( |{ mapped_pr-%pid }| ). ENDLOOP. COMMIT ENTITIES BEGIN RESPONSE OF i_purchaserequisitiontp FAILED DATA(failed_late) REPORTED DATA(reported_late). LOOP AT mapped-purchaserequisition ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(). CONVERT KEY OF i_purchaserequisitiontp FROM -%pid TO DATA(ls_ctr). -PurchaseRequisition = ls_ctr-PurchaseRequisition. ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc = 0. out->write( | PurchaseRequisition: { ls_ctr-PurchaseRequisition } | ). ELSE. out->write( | Error PurchaseRequisition sy-subrc: { sy-subrc } | ). ENDIF. COMMIT ENTITIES END. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
vivekaccentt commented 6 months ago

@anfisc - Could you please help me here for this error in RAP610 scenario??

vivekaccentt commented 6 months ago

Hi Andre,

Just an update on this blog, I debugged the code and found that the data being passed was not correct and due to which exception was being raised. The main problem is that the failed or reported tables don't capture any errors that leads to an exception when CONVERY KEY statement is executed. I had to debug to check the lt_messages table which contains all the messages in method - if_mm_pur_pr_rap_item_handler~create_item_acc_by_assoc of class CL_MM_PUR_PR_RAP_ITEM_HANDLER

This looks like an SAP bug to me.. Can u please check and guide me accordingly?

I can see some other community posts with same query -

duytai800 commented 1 month ago

I have the same issue like you. Did you resolve it?

andret82 commented 1 day ago

I faced the same problem and it turned out, that the used material D001 is not valid.

When using the debugger, in line 170 (using the current code of the exercise) I noticed that the reported_late included the message that the material is not valid - however, this message is not displayed to the user but instead the convert key function fails.

So for me it did the trick to search for a valid material that is existing (TG10 in my case).