SAP-samples / abap-platform-refscen-flight

SFlight is back! This is the Flight Reference Scenario for the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model.
Apache License 2.0
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Error while creating service binding for /DMO/TRAVEL_U #22

Open saurabhakumbhare opened 12 months ago

saurabhakumbhare commented 12 months ago

Annotated element "country" at "CountryCode" in "/DMO/I_Airport" not equal to element in view "I_Country".Annotated element "CarrierID" at "AirlineID" in "/DMO/I_Connection" not equal to element in view "/DMO/I_Carrier".Annotated element "Airport_ID" at "DepartureAirport" in "/DMO/I_Connection" not equal to element in view "/DMO/I_Airport".Annotated element "Airport_ID" at "DestinationAirport" in "/DMO/I_Connection" not equal to element in view "/DMO/I_Airport".Quantity element DISTANCE contains unsupported datatype INT4.

VolkerDrees commented 11 months ago

Can you specify the release you are on, as well as the branch you have pulled?

saurabhakumbhare commented 11 months ago

Hi @VolkerDrees ,

I have used the branch ABAP-platform-2020.


Thanks Saurabh

VolkerDrees commented 11 months ago

Hello @saurabhakumbhare , thanks for reporting the issue. I have fixed the problems. Can you try to pull the repo again? Best Regards, Volker

saurabhakumbhare commented 11 months ago

Thank you Volker. When I try to pull again, I get the below error.


Thanks Saurabh

VolkerDrees commented 11 months ago

Hello Saurabh, this should not be related to the latest changes in the repo. Can you check if you or any other process or user is locking the /DMO/ artifacts?
Best Regards, Volker