SAP-samples / btp-setup-automator

Automate the setup of your SAP BTP account with the SAP BTP CLI and other CLI tools.
Apache License 2.0
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Issues with new accounts registered under SAP Universal ID #188

Closed raiatdeloitte closed 1 year ago

raiatdeloitte commented 2 years ago

Which area is mainly impacted

CLI in general

Requested Feature

New users registered for a SAP BTP trial account are registered using the SAP Universal ID which causes the execution of the btpsa script to fail authentication. The feature to be requested would be that the SAP Universal ID users are able to login when using the script to run the automation.

Use Case/Scenario

I have just created a new SAP BTP trial user in order to do some testing with the SAP BTP setup automator and this user has been created using the SAP Universal ID.

When running the SAP BTP automator the BTP account credentials are failing due to my user being linked to the SAP Universal ID. I have seen that this is due to the underlying CLI not supporting it in a background mode. An option exists that would prompt a web browser by specifying -sso manual but after trying that one on console it doesn't seem to work either.

I guess this is more of a CLI issue but if al new users on SAP BTP trial are going to be linked to the SAP Universal ID then this can be a blocker for the setup automator as the login process on the image and the btpsa script will fail to authenticate.

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rui1610 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @raiatdeloitte . Did you try out the btp-setup-automator on a productive SAP BTP account and had the same issue?

raiatdeloitte commented 2 years ago

Hi Rui,

Not so far. We are starting a new project and building a CI/CD pipeline using the BTP setup automator for dev so far. Being more accurate, I’m generating a template that will apply to all different environments.

In order to progress I have changed to a different account that I had which is not linked to the SAP Universal ID but it’s also a trial account. We will shortly get the project’s BTP account which won’t be trial and we will test there too.

Kind regards, Ibai

rui1610 commented 2 years ago

Sounds great. Can I close the feature request? I can't reproduce the use case as I don't use the SAP Universal ID so far.

raiatdeloitte commented 2 years ago


It’s ok with me as I was able to bypass in this scenario but up to you in case you think this feature is a must going ahead for people that can’t bypass. Right now I would not be able to collaborate due to work load but just thinking on more tranquil times, contributions are in python, are they?

Kind regards, Ibai


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Adrian-Melero commented 1 year ago

Hello, I´m getting the same issue with my btp trial account. It´s linked to SAP Universal ID by default and it looks like it´s not possible to make a successful login with this type of account.

lechnerc77 commented 1 year ago

As we use BTP CLI under the hood, we must also check SAP Note 3085908. According to it BTP CLI does not yet support SAP Universal ID

Adrian-Melero commented 1 year ago

Thanks, that worked like a charm

lechnerc77 commented 1 year ago

I close this issue as there is nothing we can do (from btpsa implementation perspective) to improve the situation due to the dependency to the BTP CLI. I recorded the situation and the workaround in a discussion, so that other user stumbling across the situation know how to deal with it.