SAP-samples / kyma-mtx-faq-management

The FAQ management service allows customers to manage a list of frequently asked questions through an SAP Fiori interface. For this, it leverages multiple SAP technologies such as the Kyma runtime, SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP), SAP Application Router, Luigi, Fundamental Vue, and SAP Fiori elements.
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Can't find the mentioned "FAQ-Saas-Sample" in CF "Consumer"-Subaccount. #1

Closed draschke closed 3 years ago

draschke commented 3 years ago

Hi @IObert,

I can't find the mentioned "FAQ-Saas-Sample" in my "Consumer"-Subaccount.

Any ideas? Thanks & best Regards Dirk

IObert commented 3 years ago

Can you confirm that you deployed all resources in the provider subaccount correctly (e.g. are all pods in state running)? And does your consumer subaccount live in the same region as the provider subaccount?

draschke commented 3 years ago

The only one thing, that didn't work for me before, was that I had an issue with creating the "secrets". Everythings seems fine while creating the secrets, but as soon as I click the link sm-credentials, I see only an empty view.



 "clientid": "",
 "clientsecret": "",
 "sm_url": "",
 "url": "",
 "xsappname": ""

Maybe you know this issue... Thanks!

IObert commented 3 years ago

I don't know the issue but this surely explains why the deployments failed and why you don't see the SaaS option in the consumer sa.

Are these values also empty in the faq-container-key.json file? If so, I recommend that you go back to the following command and run everything from there again:

cf create-service-key faq-saas-container faq-container-key
cf service-key faq-saas-container faq-container-key | tail -n +3 > faq-container-key.json
draschke commented 3 years ago

No, sorry. I removed only the values. It shows only the structure of the faq-container-key.json file.

My command is a little bit different, because I'm on Windows I had to change the command to cf service-key faq-saas-container faq-container-key > faq-container-key.json and removed the first three lines manually. But this shouldn't cause the issue.

I tried it today again (removed and recreated "secrets"), but the same result.

this is the error msg from the Console: react-dom.production.min.js:196 DOMException: Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.

IObert commented 3 years ago

So you mean that you removed the values for the post here (which makes sense) but the values are part of the file?

I wouldn't focus on the UI error that you get in the Kyma console. Can you decode and read the secret with kubectl:

draschke commented 3 years ago

I can see the sm-credentials PS C:\git\kyma-mtx-faq-management> kubectl get secrets --namespace project-faq NAME TYPE DATA AGE sm-credentials Opaque 1 139m

I could fetch the encoded secrets with kubectl get secret sm-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.credentials}' --namespace project-faq

But decoding with this command doesn't work for me echo 'MWYyZDFlMmU2N2Rm' | base64 --decode

tried also kubectl get secret sm-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.credentials}' | base64 --decode --namespace project-faq

but I'm wondering because my base64 (//57AA0ACgAgACIAYwBsAGkAZQBuAHQAaQBkAC...) is starting with //

maybe I need to switch to Linux

IObert commented 3 years ago

Yes, that decoding seems to be a problem with Windows. I'm sure the Windows terminal has an equivalent command - or you could use the Git Bash to decode it I heard that WSL works quite good but I don't expect that the the base64 encoding is causing you problem. It's probably related to the deployment.

Have a look at your Kyma namespace to see if

  1. All deployments are running: Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 12 12 35

  2. All pods are running (it's ok if some of them restarted once or twice) Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 12 13 05

  3. These two service instances were created Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 12 13 37

I suspect that your service instance is missing or that the provisioning failed

draschke commented 3 years ago


Realized that my faq-backend fails. (there was yesterday an other msg which I wasn't able to understand)

kubectl get deployment faq-backend  --namespace project-faq 
faq-backend   0/1     1            0           2m9s

But I saw that this deployment needs the secrets SM_CREDENTIALS in the .yaml file. So I guess that this deployment isn't able to start without the secrets and runs in this error.


IObert commented 3 years ago

Yes, that causes the problem. Can you paste the error log of the deployment (or better: the pod that belongs to the deployment) here?

draschke commented 3 years ago

tried to find out what the command is, but wasn't able to find it

don't know if this helps:

kubectl get pod faq-backend-746649fd4-j99xj  --namespace project-faq 
NAME                          READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
faq-backend-746649fd4-j99xj   1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   10         27m

back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=faq-backend pod=faq-backend-746649fd4-j99xj_project-faq(a6774b76-28ff-44d0-8210-7a7ae80e4260) image

IObert commented 3 years ago

Yes, that's the place. You can click there on the three dots and select "show logs". This UI will only show you the past X minutes. But you can remove the entire pods (... -> delete) and then inspect the logs of the newly added pod.

draschke commented 3 years ago

Let me know if you need more. Thanks

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Timestamp | Log
-- | --
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407530631Z | {"log":"# Completed on Tue Jun 1 11:14:11 2021 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407530631Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407525731Z | {"log":"COMMIT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407525731Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407520431Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_REDIRECT -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 15001 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407520431Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407515831Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -j ISTIO_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407515831Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407510931Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -d -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407510931Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407505631Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner 1337 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407505631Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407500831Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -o lo -m owner ! --gid-owner 1337 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407500831Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407496131Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT ! -d -o lo -m owner --gid-owner 1337 -j ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407496131Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407491231Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 1337 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407491231Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407486731Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -o lo -m owner ! --uid-owner 1337 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407486731Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407481131Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT ! -d -o lo -m owner --uid-owner 1337 -j ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407481131Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407467631Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -s -o lo -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407467631Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407432531Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 15006 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407432531Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407427631Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp -j ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407427631Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407422831Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp -m tcp --dport 15020 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407422831Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407416831Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp -m tcp --dport 15021 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407416831Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407394531Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp -m tcp --dport 15090 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407394531Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407389331Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407389331Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407384031Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp -m tcp --dport 15008 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407384031Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407378931Z | {"log":"-A OUTPUT -p tcp -j ISTIO_OUTPUT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407378931Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407371031Z | {"log":"-A PREROUTING -p tcp -j ISTIO_INBOUND ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407371031Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407330931Z | {"log":":ISTIO_REDIRECT - [0:0] ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407330931Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407326331Z | {"log":":ISTIO_OUTPUT - [0:0] ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407326331Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407321531Z | {"log":":ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT - [0:0] ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407321531Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407316731Z | {"log":":ISTIO_INBOUND - [0:0] ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407316731Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407311631Z | {"log":":POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407311631Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407302831Z | {"log":":OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407302831Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407266032Z | {"log":":INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407266032Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407260932Z | {"log":":PREROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407260932Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407249432Z | {"log":"*nat ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407249432Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.407054532Z | {"log":"# Generated by iptables-save v1.6.2 on Tue Jun 1 11:14:11 2021 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.407054532Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.400728456Z | {"log":"iptables-save ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.400728456Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.334278007Z | {"log":"ip6tables-restore --noflush /tmp/ip6tables-rules-1622546051333952108.txt586408984 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.334278007Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.334272707Z | {"log":" ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.334272707Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.334254807Z | {"log":"Writing following contents to rules file: /tmp/ip6tables-rules-1622546051333952108.txt586408984 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.334254807Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315263378Z | {"log":"iptables-restore --noflush /tmp/iptables-rules-1622546051313506285.txt247778909 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315263378Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315258978Z | {"log":" ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315258978Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315253778Z | {"log":"COMMIT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315253778Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315249178Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -j ISTIO_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315249178Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315244478Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -d -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315244478Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315239778Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner 1337 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315239778Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315234978Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -o lo -m owner ! --gid-owner 1337 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315234978Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315230178Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -o lo ! -d -m owner --gid-owner 1337 -j ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315230178Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315225278Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 1337 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315225278Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315220578Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -o lo -m owner ! --uid-owner 1337 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315220578Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315215778Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -o lo ! -d -m owner --uid-owner 1337 -j ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315215778Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315210878Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_OUTPUT -o lo -s -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315210878Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315206179Z | {"log":"-A OUTPUT -p tcp -j ISTIO_OUTPUT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315206179Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315201579Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp -j ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315201579Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315196879Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp --dport 15020 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315196879Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315192279Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp --dport 15021 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315192279Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315187279Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp --dport 15090 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315187279Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315172179Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp --dport 22 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315172179Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315167579Z | {"log":"-A PREROUTING -p tcp -j ISTIO_INBOUND ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315167579Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315161079Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 15006 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315161079Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315156379Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_REDIRECT -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 15001 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315156379Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315151679Z | {"log":"-A ISTIO_INBOUND -p tcp --dport 15008 -j RETURN ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315151679Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315147279Z | {"log":"-N ISTIO_OUTPUT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315147279Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315142579Z | {"log":"-N ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315142579Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315138179Z | {"log":"-N ISTIO_REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315138179Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315133679Z | {"log":"-N ISTIO_INBOUND ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315133679Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315129079Z | {"log":"* nat ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315129079Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315122479Z | {"log":"Writing following contents to rules file: /tmp/iptables-rules-1622546051313506285.txt247778909 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315122479Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315117979Z | {"log":" ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315117979Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315112779Z | {"log":"DNS_SERVERS=[],[] ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315112779Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.315097879Z | {"log":"ENABLE_INBOUND_IPV6=false ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.315097879Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314989279Z | {"log":"KUBEVIRT_INTERFACES= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314989279Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314984679Z | {"log":"OUTBOUND_PORTS_EXCLUDE= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314984679Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314979979Z | {"log":"OUTBOUND_PORTS_INCLUDE= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314979979Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314975479Z | {"log":"OUTBOUND_IP_RANGES_EXCLUDE= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314975479Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314971079Z | {"log":"OUTBOUND_IP_RANGES_INCLUDE=* ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314971079Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314966479Z | {"log":"INBOUND_PORTS_EXCLUDE=15090,15021,15020 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314966479Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314961779Z | {"log":"INBOUND_PORTS_INCLUDE=* ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314961779Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314957079Z | {"log":"INBOUND_TPROXY_ROUTE_TABLE=133 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314957079Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314952379Z | {"log":"INBOUND_TPROXY_MARK=1337 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314952379Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314947779Z | {"log":"INBOUND_INTERCEPTION_MODE=REDIRECT ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314947779Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.314943079Z | {"log":"PROXY_GID=1337 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.314943079Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31493848Z | {"log":"PROXY_UID=1337 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31493848Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31493378Z | {"log":"PROXY_TUNNEL_PORT=15008 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31493378Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31492928Z | {"log":"PROXY_INBOUND_CAPTURE_PORT=15006 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31492928Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31492488Z | {"log":"PROXY_PORT=15001 ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31492488Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31492028Z | {"log":"---------- ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31492028Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31491578Z | {"log":"Variables: ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31491578Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31489488Z | {"log":" ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31489488Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31489008Z | {"log":"ISTIO_SERVICE_EXCLUDE_CIDR= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31489008Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31488518Z | {"log":"ISTIO_SERVICE_CIDR= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31488518Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31488048Z | {"log":"ISTIO_LOCAL_EXCLUDE_PORTS= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31488048Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31487588Z | {"log":"ISTIO_OUTBOUND_PORTS= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31487588Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31487098Z | {"log":"ISTIO_INBOUND_PORTS= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31487098Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31486598Z | {"log":"ISTIO_INBOUND_TPROXY_ROUTE_TABLE= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31486598Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31486088Z | {"log":"ISTIO_INBOUND_TPROXY_MARK= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31486088Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31485598Z | {"log":"ISTIO_INBOUND_INTERCEPTION_MODE= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31485598Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31485098Z | {"log":"INBOUND_CAPTURE_PORT= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31485098Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31484598Z | {"log":"ENVOY_PORT= ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31484598Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31483858Z | {"log":"------------ ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31483858Z"}
2021-06-01T11:14:11.31479378Z | {"log":"Environment: ","time":"2021-06-01T11:14:11.31479378Z"}

IObert commented 3 years ago

I don't see any error messages in here. Can you search for "ERROR" or "WARN" in the log?

draschke commented 3 years ago

There is no more. Searched for "ERROR" and "WARN messages for the last 15 minutes, after I removed the pod again.

The Ui shows me now "Running", although the CLI kubectl shows CrashLoopBackOff.

PS C:\git\kyma-mtx-faq-management> kubectl get pods  --namespace project-faq
NAME                                   READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
faq-backend-746649fd4-sbjpr            1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   4          2m38s
faq-broker-5df55b575c-wbp9k            2/2     Running            2          23h
faq-exporter-5d4cbbf4f6-w4vf5          2/2     Running            0          23h
kyma-faq-ui-shell-6cc59bdcc5-pr9nn     2/2     Running            0          23h
project-faq-gateway-7557887b66-rvbk6   2/2     Running            0          23h


draschke commented 3 years ago

Tried to log it from cli, but struggle with a deprecated annotation.

kubectl logs -f -p faq-backend-746649fd4-sbjpr --namespace project-faq
Using deprecated annotation `` in pod/faq-backend-746649fd4-sbjpr. Please use `` instead
IObert commented 3 years ago

There needs to be an error message somewhere (as the status is set to "CrashLoopBackOff"). It's hard to diagnoze this without the error message.

draschke commented 3 years ago

There needs to be an error message somewhere (as the status is set to "CrashLoopBackOff"). It's hard to diagnoze this without the error message.

this is why I tried to do it from command line.

IObert commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry this is causing you so much troubles on Windows. I asked a colleague (also a Windows user) to follow the instructions. Maybe he makes an insightful observation that can help.

draschke commented 3 years ago

No problem! I like it. Is a good reason to get deeper in K8s! :)

IObert commented 3 years ago

I just wiped my namespace and tested it and I can confirm that there is a problem. And I found out what it was :) : The creation of the "faq-saas-registry" didn't complete successfully. Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 18 27 34

As we're all running on the same trial landscape, we need to have unique app names. In short, you need to change two occurrences of faq-app (have a look at the linked commit for details) to something unique (e.g. add your cluster id). This was causing the problem.

Thanks a lot for reporting this one! I'll publish a fix right now, please confirm that this worked.

PS: You need to remove all deployments and service instances before running the kubectl apply commands again. You don't have the repeat the steps before thekubectl apply commands.

draschke commented 3 years ago

Sorry, but I can't confirm that.

faq-saas-registry was not in a pending status. It was running fine!


After checking the status for faq-saas-registry I removed the deployments and pods as you asked for. Changed the appName: FaqManagement-c-2ac3840 and deployed all the .yaml files again.

I do have the same issue as before (faq-backend is not running). faq-saas-registry is running fine.


I'm quite sure, that it has something to do with the wrong base64 secrets. (base64 //) base64 (//57AA0ACgAgACIAYwBsAGkAZQBuAHQAaQBkAC...) The pod shows me this error msg: caused: setenv: invalid argument: unknown failed to start container "1705652c44339d596d74ef78ab79fe4c1e5e46fdf8a408162d3213535f6ab7fc": Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:370: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:459: container init caused: setenv: invalid argument: unknown

For this problem (caused: setenv: invalid argument: unknown) I found this:

The reason seems to be a wrong base64 key. If you don't have this issue, I think it must have something to do with the Windows kubectl CLI.

IObert commented 3 years ago

really strange...

My colleague (Windows user) was able to create the secret (and to see it) without any problems. He also noticed that tails is not available on Windows - so I added a not for this. But I don't see this as a Windows problem - at least not one that affects all versions of Windows. Can you try to create another opaque secret via kubectl and see this one in the console?

draschke commented 3 years ago

ok, I'm playing a little bit with the sm-credentials.

Could you tell me, if your sm-credentials yaml looks similar to mine? And does your credentials starts with this "//" characters too?


IObert commented 3 years ago

Mine looks a little bit different. I doesn't start with // and it doesn't include the managedFields either.

Screenshot 2021-06-02 at 11 29 03
draschke commented 3 years ago

Please, would you let me know what your kubectl version is? PS C:\git\kyma-mtx-faq-management> kubectl version Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21", GitVersion:"v1.21.1", GitCommit:"5e58841cce77d4bc13713ad2b91fa0d961e69192", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-05-12T14:18:45Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"18", GitVersion:"v1.18.17", GitCommit:"68b4e26caf6ede7af577db4af62fb405b4dd47e6", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-03-18T00:54:02Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.15", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} WARNING: version difference between client (1.21) and server (1.18) exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1

draschke commented 3 years ago

removed my newer client version and downgraded it to 1.18., but without success. same strange behavior (secrets) as before.
will close this ticket.

PS C:\git\kyma-mtx-faq-management> kubectl version Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"18", GitVersion:"v1.18.0", GitCommit:"9e991415386e4cf155a24b1da15becaa390438d8", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-03-25T14:58:59Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"18", GitVersion:"v1.18.17", GitCommit:"68b4e26caf6ede7af577db4af62fb405b4dd47e6", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-03-18T00:54:02Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.15", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

draschke commented 3 years ago

Tried it also from WSL, but the same result.

pfefferf commented 3 years ago

Can confirm that I have the exact same issue on a Win10Pro environment (tried it with different approaches too, including WSL2, without success).

draschke commented 3 years ago

ok, I'm playing a little bit with the sm-credentials.

I changed the credentials more times and removed all special characters, but the two "//" are always left in the base64 key.

IObert commented 3 years ago

I'll reopen the ticket as this definitely something that should be followed up upon.

IObert commented 3 years ago

The colleague who tested it on Windows is running

 kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21", GitVersion:"v1.21.0", GitCommit:"cb303e613a121a29364f75cc67d3d580833a7479", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-04-08T16:31:21Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"}

And creates the following secret (without //): image

draschke commented 3 years ago

To solve this issue I replaced the base64 with my own created base64 key. ( After that, the pods and deployments are running and I can see the "FAQ Saas Sample" in the new "Consumer"-Subaccount.


So, now I'm ready to continue the next steps...

draschke commented 3 years ago

The colleague who tested it on Windows is running Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21", GitVersion:"v1.21.0"

I downgraded my CLI to GitVersion:"v1.21.0" but without any difference. Same strange behavior.

draschke commented 3 years ago

Tried to continue with the lesson and came to the next hurdle. There is still a problem with the faq-backend-746649fd4-z4sf4 image

But I think in this case is the reason the hdi-service. Error: Conflict, description: instance with same name exists for the current tenant

2021-06-03T06:42:05.488018309Z | {"log":"npm ERR! errno 1 ","time":"2021-06-03T06:42:05.488018309Z"}
-- | --
2021-06-03T06:42:05.469842389Z | {"log":" at Object.error (/usr/src/app/node_modules/@sap/cds-mtx/node_modules/@sap/instance-manager/lib/polling-control.js:10:13) ","time":"2021-06-03T06:42:05.469842389Z"}
2021-06-03T06:42:05.469749489Z | {"log":"[HDI_CONTAINER_MANAGER] - Error: State of create operation is failed (resource type: /v1/service_instances, resource id: 9fe61cf3-a536-4cb2-8178-6319fc0e3547, operation id: f3ca6a92-accd-4caf-a991-db28c165de54), error: Conflict, description: instance with same name exists for the current tenant ","time":"2021-06-03T06:42:05.469749489Z"}


Any ideas?

Mihirjha13 commented 3 years ago

Check if your Hana cloud instance is up and running and make sure the all IP address is allowed.

pfefferf commented 3 years ago

Finally I found the reason, why the k8s secret creation did not work well regarding the content of the secret. In my case the cf service-key faq-saas-container faq-container-key > faq-container-key.json command created the file faq-container-key.json with UTF16 LE encoding (when executed in Powershell). Switching the encoding to UTF8 solves the original issue discussed here.

@IObert Maybe worth to add an additional sentence in the Readme that users will check the encoding of the created file to be sure that they do not run into the same issue.

draschke commented 3 years ago

@pfefferf: You are right! If you use Powershell you will get UTF16 LE, but if you use MINGW64 (bash) you will get UTF-8 This would explain, why some Win-User doesn't have this issue.

And a further plus is that with bash for windows the commands tail and base64 are working. $ cf service-key faq-saas-container faq-container-key | tail -n +3 > faq-container-key.json $ kubectl get secret sm-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.credentials}' --namespace project-faq | base64 --decode

C/C++ for Visual Studio Code - MinGW

IObert commented 3 years ago

Wow, that's a really nasty issue! Thanks a lot for identifying this one. I'll update the readme.