SAP-samples / ui5-typescript-tutorial

Tutorial for building UI5 applications with TypeScript.
Apache License 2.0
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OPenAI API integration fails #15

Closed bpawanchand closed 1 year ago

bpawanchand commented 1 year ago

Hello ,

I was following all the exercises related to TS and UI5 and it was really a very . I was able to quickly understand . However, when I am trying to apply few variations to the provided exercises especially ex4 I was trying to make use of third-party API of openai in my application and followed the steps to include UI5 tooling , and also by enhancing the ui5.yaml file by adding custom task and custom middleware. However, when I executed the locahost:8080/resources/core.js it says couldn't find the provided resource. Below is the sample code




Can some one help me here

Thanks Pavan

petermuessig commented 1 year ago

Hi Pavan,

the openai library is not made for the browser. It requires a lot of Node.js related dependencies which cannot be polyfilled for the browser. You should see the errors in the log which states it cannot bundle node:stream.

But there is an alternative made for the browser: => @azure/openai. I did a quick test and this library can be used in UI5 apps:

sap.ui.define(["@azure/openai"], function(OpenAI) {
    "use strict";


    const { OpenAIClient, AzureKeyCredential } = OpenAI;

    const client = new OpenAIClient(
        "https://<resource name>",
        new AzureKeyCredential("<Azure API key>")
    client.getCompletions("<deployment ID>", ["YOUR PROMPT HERE"]).then(({ id, created, choices, usage }) => {


It fails as I just copy and pasted the code from the Azure OpenAI page but the JS code is loaded and the classes are accessible...


bpawanchand commented 1 year ago

Hey Peter thanks for the help. Ill go through content suggested by you