SAP / cf-html5-apps-repo-cli-plugin

Cloud Foundry CLI plugin to work with SAP Cloud HTML5 Applications Repository
Apache License 2.0
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Consecutive push option #34

Open micellius opened 4 years ago

micellius commented 4 years ago


In the CI/CD flow it is hard to determine, whether the HTML5 application was already deployed or not. Also branching of commands is not desired and in some cases not possible. It would be beneficial to have an option for html5-push to create destination and app-host instance in case they are missing, but use existing otherwise.

Possible syntax may be

cf html5-push -d --consecutive


cf html5-push --managed

Use cases matrix

HTML5 application already deployed Destination with same exists Action
No No Create app-host service instance and destination
Yes No Redeploy application to existing app-host and create destination
No Yes Create app-host service instance and update destination with extra app-host-id
Yes Yes Redeploy application to existing app-host

Qualities of Change