Closed SlyCatSpy closed 2 months ago
The entry connectivity
might have misconfigured values:
Let me know if this fixes it. Best regards, Charles
Hi Charles, Thanks for your suggestion. It sadly doesn't help. Don't forget that the exact same approach works if I simply revert the cloud sdk version to 4.32.0. By the way, I think the documentation is wrong here:
This is a screenshot from the page referred above:
The proxy-port value is mapped to credentials.onpremise_proxy_port, but I suspect that the second proxy-port variable in the command line should reflect the credentials.onpremise_proxy_http_port.
I open my tunnel with the following command:
cf ssh my-app-name -L 8081:my-proxy-host:20003
Here's the anonymised content of my VCAP_SERVICES configuration which I use to set my environment:
"destination": [
"label": "destination",
"plan": "lite",
"tags": [
"name": "destinations",
"credentials": {
"tenantmode": "dedicated",
"clientid": "xxxxx",
"credential-type": "binding-secret",
"xsappname": "xxxxx",
"clientsecret": "xxxxx",
"uri": "xxxxx",
"url": "xxxxx",
"uaadomain": "xxxxx",
"instanceid": "xxxxx",
"verificationkey": "xxxxx",
"identityzone": "ccq-dev",
"tenantid": "xxxxx"
"connectivity": [
"label": "connectivity",
"plan": "lite",
"tags": [
"name": "custom-service:rm-connectivity-inst",
"credentials": {
"tenantmode": "dedicated",
"clientid": "xxxxx",
"token_service_domain": "xxxxx",
"credential-type": "binding-secret",
"token_service_url": "xxxxx",
"xsappname": "xxxxx",
"onpremise_proxy_ldap_port": "20001",
"onpremise_socks5_proxy_port": "20004",
"clientsecret": "xxxxx",
"onpremise_proxy_http_port": "20003",
"url": "xxxxx",
"onpremise_proxy_host": "localhost",
"uaadomain": "xxxxx",
"onpremise_proxy_port": "8081",
"verificationkey": "xxxxx",
"identityzone": "xxxxx",
"tenantid": "xxxxx",
"onpremise_proxy_rfc_port": "20001"
Please let me know if there's anything else that could help you help me! :)
Thanks, Sylvain
be a remote host name instead of localhost
I will also correct the documentation.
The documentation states that the value should be replaced with localhost. It works with cloud sdk 4.32.0.
Hello Sylvain, If you are able print out the properties of the destination in v4, it will speed up my investigation:
HttpDestination destination = DestinationAccessor.getDestination(AppConfig.RM_DESTINATION_NAME).asHttp();
If it doesn't take too much time also do the same for v5
Best regards, Charles
I tried but I could not reproduce the error. I also have a different port number:
cf ssh app-name -L 20003:url:20003
Your proxy port was 8081.
Please also check with my command
I'm stuck a bit now, I was making different tests and nothing was working anymore. Turns out that there are currently issues in the customer's environmnent I'm trying to connect to.
Looks like I'll resume work on this issue Monday, customer has locked down S4 for an upgrade.
Here are the destination properties for 4.32.0:
Authentication : BasicAuthentication
authTokens : [ScpCfDestinationServiceV1Response.DestinationAuthToken(type=Basic, value=XXXXX, error=null, expiresIn=null, httpHeaderSuggestion=Header(name=Authorization, value=Basic XXXXX), expiryTimestamp=null)]
CloudConnectorLocationId : XXXXX_Azure
Description : Ligne Rapport mensuel vers S4 SD2 client 200
Name : rm-s4-dest
Password : XXXXX
ProxyType : OnPremise
sap-client : 200
sap-language : fr
Type : HTTP
URL : http://on.premise.hostname:443
User : XXXXX
WebIDEEnabled : true
WebIDEUsage : odata_abap,ui5_execute_abap,dev_abap
Here are the destination properties for 5.12.0:
Authentication : BasicAuthentication
CloudConnectorLocationId : XXXXX_Azure
cloudsdk.authTokens : [DestinationServiceV1Response.DestinationAuthToken(type=Basic, value=XXXXX, error=null, expiresIn=null, httpHeaderSuggestion=Header(name=Authorization, value=Basic XXXXX), expiryTimestamp=null)]
cloudsdk.propertiesForChangeDetection : [Name, Type, URL, Authentication, ProxyType, User, Description, sap-language, CloudConnectorLocationId, WebIDEEnabled, sap-client, Password, WebIDEUsage]
cloudsdk.tenantId :
Description : Ligne Rapport mensuel vers S4 SD2 client 200
Name : rm-s4-dest
Password : XXXXX
Proxy : http://localhost:20003
ProxyType : OnPremise
sap-client : 200
sap-language : fr
Type : HTTP
URL : http://on.premise.hostname:443
User : XXXXX
WebIDEEnabled : true
WebIDEUsage : odata_abap,ui5_execute_abap,dev_abap
Hi Charles, It works using your proposed command line:
cf ssh app-name -L 20003:url:20003
I'm sure I had tried that when I revisited the documentation.
Anyway, thanks for your help.
Regards, Sylvain
Issue Description
We've been using for the last couple of years the "On-Premise Connectivity From Local IDE" approach described on this page:
This approach allows us to test locally and make calls to the S4 system.
Migrating to version 5 of the cloud SDK breaks this functionnality. The only thing I changed in the pom file is the version of the sdk from 4.32.0 to 5.11.0 and I then get the following error whenever a call to the S4 destination is made: Connection refused: localhost/[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:20003
Here's a simple example that produces the stack trace found bellow (we use this to get the latest version of the metadata to generate the csd files, it's only a dev tool):
Steps attempted to resolve the issue
I read half the documentation found on internet, but here's something that might be interesting. I get a very similar result if I use the "Minimal Example" described on this page:
I don't recall were I saw this and I can't find it again, but I read somewhere that some default configuration values have changed to follow the secure by default approach. I suspect that it's at the root of my issue.
Impact / Priority
This issue prevents me from addressing security vulnerabilities since I'm forced to remain on version 4.32.0.
Affected development phase: Development has been completed for a while and customer pushed back the go live to august 2025. We are supporting the application in dev and qa in the meantime.
Impact: I'd say that we're Blocked, we've been consuming dev services for more than a year now and our mock services would require too much effort to make the local environment functional without us resolving this issue. There's the BAS (business application studio) approach that I have yet to test (as a work around until the issue is resolved).
Timeline: Go-Live is August 2025, but the issue is for the local development environment.
Error Message
Project Details