SAP / credential-digger

A Github scanning tool that identifies hardcoded credentials while filtering the false positive data through machine learning models :lock:
Apache License 2.0
325 stars 49 forks source link

Upgrade to v4.13.0 #289

Closed marcorosa closed 11 months ago

marcorosa commented 11 months ago

Restructure the project and repackage the tool in a more modern way. Introduce src layout and a pyproject.toml while deprecating Version tracking is now delegated to a dynamic file and old package data (old folders for BoW models deprecated in v4.4) have been deleted. A new badge has been introduced to show what python versions are currently supported by Credential Digger (this point is often source of confusion as we have to rely on external libraries not necessarily supporting the latest available python versions). This badge will be updated only after the release of pypi package (it relies on metadata published there).

Minor version has been increased to better distinguish from the old package structure, even if it could also not be strongly needed in such a case.