SAP / macOS-enterprise-privileges

For Mac users in enterprise environments, this application gives users control over the administration of their machine by elevating their level of access to administrator privileges on macOS. Users can set a timeframe in the application's settings to perform specific tasks, such as installing or removing an application.
Apache License 2.0
1.4k stars 150 forks source link

so do we install it #78

Closed Pixel-Panda closed 1 year ago

Pixel-Panda commented 1 year ago

source code, nothing else, except instructions that say to add it to the Applications folders, which we cant because theres no application to be added lol

rtrouton commented 1 year ago

Every version of Privileges has an accompanying GitHub Release:

Attached to each Release, there’s a file containing a copy of that version’s Privileges app. The latest Release is available via this link: