This is a consulting issue. I got an error message when attempting to inserting data into a hdb table as below.
It seems that if the data type of attribute to be inserted is different from what it defines in db, then the error message will be reported. Even if the data type is string in db, and input data type is number, the data type conversion will be not handled by hana client automatically. I am not sure if it is a normal behavior. Could you please help to clarify?
Hi Colleague,
This is a consulting issue. I got an error message when attempting to inserting data into a hdb table as below.
It seems that if the data type of attribute to be inserted is different from what it defines in db, then the error message will be reported. Even if the data type is string in db, and input data type is number, the data type conversion will be not handled by hana client automatically. I am not sure if it is a normal behavior. Could you please help to clarify?
Thank you very much. BR, Qin