SAP / node-rfc

Asynchronous, non-blocking SAP NW RFC SDK bindings for Node.js
Apache License 2.0
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Can't load module sapnwrfc.node #66

Closed haexhub closed 6 years ago

haexhub commented 6 years ago


I installed node-rfc@next and get the error "can't load module ...\node_modules\node-rfc\lib\binding\win32-x64-node-v64\sapnwrfc.node. The Path is correct and the file exists, but can't be loaded. I'm using: node: 10.13.0 npm: 6.4.1 node-rfc@next

Any advice would be appreciated

bsrdjan commented 6 years ago

Could you please post the full error log and check if prerequisite SAP NWRFC SDK properly installed?

haexhub commented 6 years ago

Hello Srdjan,

thanks for your quick response. This was much faster than the usual SAP response time! :smile: I thought I can use the "normal" rfc library from my SAP Netweaver, I already have installed. But it seems, you have to use the files you mentioned. After downloading, extracting and creating system variable, it's working. So I guess you can close my issue. Thanks again for the quick response!