SAP / olingo-jpa-processor-v4

The JPA Processor fills the gap between Olingo V4 and the database, by providing a mapping between JPA metadata and OData metadata, generating queries and supporting the entity manipulations.
Apache License 2.0
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OutOfMemory - Expanded more entities in server driven paging #314

Open suraj-mane-zellis opened 1 month ago

suraj-mane-zellis commented 1 month ago

I have gone through the link where in you mentioned that As of now paging for expanded to-many navigation properties is not supported. We are having little bit huge data in some of expaned entities and I am getting out of memory exception . Is there way out to handle this issue?

suraj-mane-zellis commented 1 month ago

HI @wog48 , I am waiting for your valuable response.

wog48 commented 1 month ago

I had a first look. Indroducting Server driven paging is not a low hanging fruit.
The only hint, for the momement I can give, is to limt number of parents.

wog48 commented 1 month ago

I have to mention that the solution will only work together with odata-jpa-processor-cb as JPA dies not support LIMIT and OFFSET on sub queries. What database do you use?

suraj-mane-zellis commented 1 month ago

Hi @wog48 ,

I am using Azure SQL database