SAP / olingo-jpa-processor-v4

The JPA Processor fills the gap between Olingo V4 and the database, by providing a mapping between JPA metadata and OData metadata, generating queries and supporting the entity manipulations.
Apache License 2.0
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Support for expand query when filtered on collection field using lambda #325

Closed Dolly-Yadav closed 4 days ago

Dolly-Yadav commented 1 month ago

For version 2.1.1, the following queries was tried for a Products entity, where we expand ProductDetails with at least one ProductDetailSources as catalogue.

http://localhost:8080/odata/Products?$expand=ProductDetails($filter=ProductDetailSources/any(p:p eq 'catalogue')) http://localhost:8080/odata/Products?$filter=ProductId eq 358&$expand=ProductDetails($filter=ProductDetailSources/any(p:p eq 'catalogue'))

Query explanation

Issue A NullPointerException occurs while constructing query. In JPAExistsOperation.get() the query shows null in this.getExistsQuery().query(). Further analysis shows that pathList of JPAExistsOperation.determineAssociations() is empty for our above sample queries.

Closest analogous query using entities in this repo Organizations?$expand=SupportEngineers($filter=InhouseAddress/any(p:p/Building eq '1'))

Could you please help us confirm whether the feature of expanding a query, when filtered on a collection field using lambda, is supported?


dbhandari555 commented 1 month ago

The below testcase reproduces the above scenario. The testcase fails with org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: {"error":{"code":null,"message":"OData Library: An exception without message text was thrown."}} but if a breakpoint is put in class on determineAssociations method, the source of NPE can be figured.

  void testExpandWithFilterOnCollectionField() throws IOException, ODataException {
    final IntegrationTestHelper helper = new IntegrationTestHelper(emf,
            "Organizations?$expand=SupportEngineers($filter=InhouseAddress/any(p:p/Building eq '7'))");
dbhandari555 commented 3 weeks ago

@wog48 The fix for this bug has been proposed as part of PR The code change is made to class and does 2 things:

  1. Add isCollection check when one/more of the resource parts have navigation property
  2. Combine the hasNavigation and hasCollection checks under a single if and remove repetitive code. 2 Test cases have been added to make sure the code works as expected.
spatanjali commented 1 week ago

@wog48 Would you please be able to share your review of the PR. We will be happy to incorporate any changes/comments to support having the fix merged back and released.

wog48 commented 4 days ago

Issue shall be solved with 2.1.3. In case the problem still exists, please reopen this issue. Thanks for supporting.