SAP / olingo-jpa-processor-v4

The JPA Processor fills the gap between Olingo V4 and the database, by providing a mapping between JPA metadata and OData metadata, generating queries and supporting the entity manipulations.
Apache License 2.0
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v 2.1.1 Unexpected SQL being generated when ODATA`s $select command contains only @ElementCollection fields #331

Closed VMatyushevski closed 4 days ago

VMatyushevski commented 2 weeks ago

@wog48, It would be great if you could check and leave your thoughts on my question. My scenario is simple, I`m trying explicitly select more then 1 @ElementCollection field using $select.

Example to reproduce using JPA entities: Organizations('1')?$select=Comment,Comment2 Where Comment and Comment2 are both @ElementCollection fields. I had to modifiy Organization Entity as it didn`t contain another @ElementCollection. Below is how comment2 definition looks like:

@ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  @OrderColumn(name = "\"Order\"")
  @CollectionTable(schema = "\"OLINGO\"", name = "\"Comment\"",
          joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "\"BusinessPartnerID\""))
  @Column(name = "\"Text\"")
  private List<String> comment2 = new ArrayList<>();

Example Odata call is being converted into 3 SQL statements:

  1. Organization search [OK]: SELECT E0."ID" S0 FROM "OLINGO"."BusinessPartner" E0 WHERE ((E0."ID" = ?) AND (E0."Type" = ?)) LIMIT 2147483647 OFFSET 0
  2. Comment search [NOT OK] SELECT DISTINCT E0."ID" S0, E1."Text" S1, E2."Text" S2 FROM "OLINGO"."BusinessPartner" E0 INNER JOIN "OLINGO"."Comment" E1 ON (E0."ID" = E1."BusinessPartnerID") INNER JOIN "OLINGO"."Comment" E2 ON (E0."ID" = E2."BusinessPartnerID") WHERE ((E0."ID" = ?) AND (E0."Type" = ?)) ORDER BY E0."ID" ASC Considering this as NOT OK because SELECT DISTINCT E0."ID" S0, E1."Text" S1, E2."Text" contains E2 refferences. And E2 must be retrieved by 3-rd SQL call.
  3. Comment2 search [NOT OK] SELECT DISTINCT E0."ID" S0, E1."Text" S1, E2."Text" S2 FROM "OLINGO"."BusinessPartner" E0 INNER JOIN "OLINGO"."Comment" E1 ON (E0."ID" = E1."BusinessPartnerID") INNER JOIN "OLINGO"."Comment" E2 ON (E0."ID" = E2."BusinessPartnerID") WHERE ((E0."ID" = ?) AND (E0."Type" = ?)) ORDER BY E0."ID" ASC Considering this as NOT OK because SELECT DISTINCT E0."ID" S0, E1."Text" S1, E2."Text" contains E1 refferences. And E1 must be retrieved by 2-nd SQL call.

I`m considering Statements 2 and 3 as NOT OK beacase the SQL query is done not to same table (Assuming we really have table "Comment2" in DB schema) then output will be: statement 2 will return us: "ID1", "Text1", null "ID2", "Text2", null

statement 3 will return us: "ID1", null, "Text1" "ID2", null, "Text2"

and general result will be looking: ID:1, Comment: [Text1, null], Comment2: [null, Text1] ID:2, Comment: [Text2, null], Comment2: [null, Text2]

Instead of: ID:1, Comment:[Text1], Comment2:[Text1] ID:2, Comment:[Text2], Comment2:[Text2]

wog48 commented 2 weeks ago

Will be fixed with the next release

wog48 commented 4 days ago

Issue shall be solved with 2.1.3. In case the problem still exists, please reopen this issue. Thanks for supporting.