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sap.m.SearchField misses liveChange property #1079

Closed Fjaoos closed 8 years ago

Fjaoos commented 8 years ago

OpenUI5 version: 1.36.12 Browser/version (+device/version): Chrome (all) Any other tested browsers/devices(OK/FAIL):

URL (minimal example if possible):

User/password (if required and possible - do not post any confidential information here):

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Add type like sap.ui.model.type.Date to PropertyBinding of value property
  2. Try to input something like 14,03,92

What is the expected result? A possibility to switch of a live update of the value (like in sap.m.InputBase) What happens instead?

Any other information? (attach screenshot if possible) I guess that this is an enhancement request, but for now I guess I have to extend the SearchField to use it with a Datatype like Date.

cschuff commented 8 years ago


This event is fired when the value of the search field is changed by a user - e.g. at each key press. Do not invalidate or re-render a focused search field, especially during the liveChange event.

since 1.9.1

newValue string

Current search string.

Fjaoos commented 8 years ago

@cschuff I think you got me wrong. I would like to see a possibilty to switch of the live update of the value. (Like valieLiveUpdate="false" for sap.m.InputBase)

cschuff commented 8 years ago

Ok, got that wrong. Sorry for that :)

Anyways this feature is only part of sap.m.Input and sap.m.TextArea and not sap.m.InputBase.

The input control APIs imho could/should get harmonized a lot...

TobiasOetzel commented 8 years ago

Hi Fjaoos,

what do you want to achieve? My guess would be validating user input before fireing a search. This will also not be easy because you need to visualize an error state and give your users hints. Also it is not a frequent usecase for SearchFields.

To workaround the issue would be attaching to the livechange of the searchfield and then manipulate the value by using the type standalone without the binding (if this is possible did not check). So for me and the experts it would be a wontfix.

Getting the Input controls API harmonized is a huge task. We are aware of it since quite a while but it did not get priority.

best regards, Tobias

cschuff commented 8 years ago

Hi Tobias,

no offense, I know it's huge and it's not an easy thing to do for a framework like UI5 due to downwards compatibility asf. Would love to see it anyways ;)

BR Chris

TobiasOetzel commented 8 years ago


for the harmonization i would also like to see it but currently it does not really sound realistic to me, so i decided to rather close this here.

BR, Tobias