SAP / project-portal-for-innersource

Lists all InnerSource projects of a company in an interactive and easy to use way. Can be used as a template for implementing the "InnerSource portal" pattern by the InnerSource Commons community.
Apache License 2.0
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Discussion: How to make the projects portal customizeable #26

Open dellagustin opened 3 years ago

dellagustin commented 3 years ago

As mentioned on the the ISC Community Call InnerSource and Discoverability, one of our ideas for the portal is to make it customizeable.

What is the problem?

Currently, the way to reuse the portal is to fork it and modify it, it is not reusable in the sense of being a customizeable dependency that can be reused without modifications.

One of the cons of this approach is that it is harder to keep it up to integrate updates, as there may be conflicts between the changes on the original repo and the forks.

Here are some of the features that could be customizeable:

What is this issue about

I created this issue to collect ideas on how we could make the portal customizeable.

Features we should keep

One of the great features of the portal today is that it can be easily hosted as static files. This make it easy to operate, as it can be hosted for instance on GitHub pages. When making customizeable, we should aim to keep it for simplicity.

spier commented 3 years ago

This is an interesting angle to make it easier to reuse the project and contribute to it.

Some other ideas where customizability could be helpful:

dellagustin-sap commented 3 years ago

@spier all good considerations.

dellagustin-sap commented 3 years ago

I'm thinking about how I'd like the experience to be from a developer's perspective reusing the portal. I am picturing something like this:

  1. I initialize an npm package for my own portal:
    npm init
  2. I install the "portal reusable" as a dependency
    npm install --save @sap/project-portal-for-innersource

    depending on how we do it, could be --save-dev

  3. I start it with
    npm start

    or build it for deployment with (it would output something deployable to the dist folder)

    npm run build
    1. I configure the portal, maybe by adding a section to package.json, or creating a folder on the root of the project, like portal-config.json
svrnm commented 4 months ago

A suggestion for the portability:

Rename repos.json to repos.sample.json and add repos.json to .gitignore, update the with the extra step of cp repos.sample.json repos.json

That way if the sample data gets updated I don't get merge conflicts when I pull from upstream.

zkoppert commented 4 months ago

👋 One thing I've done to customize the portal for a few companies is to insert any "Overview metrics" right at the top just above the search bar and filters. This is done through a nightly automation to keep the stats fresh.


"424 InnerSource repositories, 10% of all repositories, 21hr average time to first response on Pull requests, Average security score: 90"

dellagustin-sap commented 4 months ago

Hi @svrnm, this is an interesting suggestion. I'll discuss it with @Michadelic.

@zkoppert , that's an interesting customization, thanks for sharing!

svrnm commented 4 months ago

thanks @dellagustin

Michadelic commented 4 months ago

Amazing list of suggestions to customize the portal. Thank you so much for bringing these ideas together and the discussion here in this thread. I will have a look and i am also very open for public contributions on this issue. Maybe we can jointly create a concept and work on it.

My two cents for getting it implemented:

We could start with the config.json file and the list of suggestions in this thread and later add the wizard.

What do you thing?

PS: the overview metrics is also an interesting idea. This would probably done in the crawler at the end and update an entry in the config.json file?

svrnm commented 4 months ago

Having a configuration to fill out the page details is a great idea! It also helps to find all the things that need to be changed since on the HTML page they are at very different places 👍

A few other suggestions: