SAP / spartacus

Spartacus is a lean, Angular-based JavaScript storefront for SAP Commerce Cloud that communicates exclusively through the Commerce REST API.
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[Plus symbol issue] - UserAuthenticationTokenService sends requests with 'Content-Type' - 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' #4260

Open DENCREAT opened 5 years ago

DENCREAT commented 5 years ago

If a user login or password contains a symbol + it would be replaced with whitespaces 'cause Content-Type is equal to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. As a result, we have problems with users authorization.

Environment Details

Steps to Reproduce

Observed Results

All pluses would be replaced with whitespaces when we send form data.

Expected Results

Login and password are sent without changes.

Additional Information

As I can see UserAuthenticationTokenService sends requests with 'Content-Type' - 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', Probably a problem is here. image

giancorderoortiz commented 5 years ago

See also:

meeque commented 5 years ago

Well, ultimately the code that builds the above request should perform appropriate URL encoding for all data that it submits to the oAuth server.

I'm a little surprised that the method of the HttpParams class does not take care of this? Not sure who else would be responsible for URL encoding?

Alternatively, the problem could be on the other side: maybe the URL decoding logic in the SAP Commerce oAuth extension is buggy?

Could someone post a dump of a HTTP request that triggers this bug?

meeque commented 5 years ago

Hm, I have now dumped the HTTP body that is sent when I enter !@#$%^&*+= in the login field:


So it seams that most characters that require URL encoding get encoded properly. However the + character does not get encoded, which causes the confusion. I also wonder why the @ character is not encoded.

Could this be a bug in the underlying rest framework?

meeque commented 5 years ago

Fyi, here's some sources of how URL encoding should be done properly:

meeque commented 5 years ago

And here is what the HttpParams class does by default:

Frankly this looks rather dodgy to me. They first use the browser's encodeURIComponent() method, but then they revert the encoding of several characters, including the + sign. I wonder what's the purpose of that? But it seems just plain wrong.

However, one could pass in a custom implementation of a HttpParameterCodec that would perform sane URL encoding. I wonder if that could fix the problem?

KateChuen commented 5 years ago

basically we cannot have + signs in email addresses. But if we have + signs in passwords, and it becomes a whitespace, then it might be a problem.

1) Please validate that we only accept characters that the specs(RFC5322) mention. 2) Verify that passwords indeed do accept all characters (according to backend definition) and they are not escaped. Break it into 2 tickets if necessary.

meeque commented 5 years ago

Frankly, I think that the question of having + signs in email addresses is off point here. That is ultimately a decision that the server-side has to make. The problem is that our frontend code does not transmit + signs to the server-side API correctly. This seems to be a general problem when working with Angular's rest client. Imho we need a general solution for that!

That said, I've read parts of RFC5322, and there is no reason to believe that + signs are forbidden in the local-part of an address. See addr-spec and dot-atom...

DENCREAT commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone! What news?)

tobi-or-not-tobi commented 4 years ago

Thanks @meeque for chiming in on this topic. Angular indeed doesn't support clean encoding/decoding, which is why we do not get proper encoding for various characters (@:$,;+=?/). I've gone through various resources related to this topic, and I'm not sure why these characters are skipped.

We should allow for proper encoding, but not without an option to customise this. My recommendation is to:

artem-zur commented 4 years ago


Hi! Do you have any updates about this issue ? :)

giancorderoortiz commented 4 years ago

@Xymmer, @hackergil , @tobi-or-not-tobi are there any updates on this issue?

Xymmer commented 4 years ago

let's aim to do this one for 2.1 or during summer

halilugur commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone Unfortunately, we had the same problem. As a workaround, we encoded the password and sent it like that. For this, we had to override both the frontend and the backend. Frontend

const pass = encodeURIComponent(password.value);
this.auth.authorize(userId.value.toLowerCase(), pass);

Backtend This had to be override CoreAuthenticationProvider.

if (credential instanceof String) {
    // if credential is a string use URLDecode class. 
    credential = URLDecoder.decode(String.valueOf(credential), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    if (!user.checkPassword((String) credential)) {
        throw new BadCredentialsException(this.messages.getMessage("CoreAuthenticationProvider.badCredentials", "Bad credentials"));
} else {
    if (!(credential instanceof LoginToken)) {
        throw new BadCredentialsException(this.messages.getMessage("CoreAuthenticationProvider.badCredentials", "Bad credentials"));
   if (!user.checkPassword((LoginToken) credential)) {
       throw new BadCredentialsException(this.messages.getMessage("CoreAuthenticationProvider.badCredentials", "Bad credentials"));

I hope it helps,

meeque commented 3 years ago

Hm, it seems weird that users like @halilugur still need to implement custom work-arounds for this issue. It's even worse that this requires additional changes on the server-side. Imho, the server-side is not at fault here.

Has there ever been an attempt to solve this for good, as @tobi-or-not-tobi suggested over a year ago?

DENCREAT commented 2 years ago

are there any news?

MangoMan996 commented 1 year ago

For me the fix was using the below encoder with HttpPrams instead of the default encoder (spartacus 4.3.6, angular 12); Note the below code is a part of HTTP interceptor custom class that I implemented, it basically intercept the http call and clone the request with the new encoder with the original request params.

import { HttpParamsURIEncoder } from '@spartacus/core';

  copy(source: HttpParams): HttpParams {
    let target = new HttpParams({ encoder: new **HttpParamsURIEncoder**() });

    source.keys().forEach((key) => {
      source.getAll(key)?.forEach((val) => {
        target = target.append(key, val);

    return target;