SAP / terraform-provider-btp

Terraform provider for SAP BTP
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] Service instance state gets stored even if error occurs #779

Closed lechnerc77 closed 1 month ago

lechnerc77 commented 1 month ago

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bug report

Describe the bug

The resource for services instances stores the state of the resource even if the creation or update of the resource fails. So even after a failed operation the terraform plan might indicate that everything is correct. This especially happens when the parameters are changed as they cannot be fetched from the platform.

Expected Behavior

If a create or update operation fails, the state does not get changed

Steps To Reproduce

Execute the creation of a HANA Cloud instance with these parameters:

resource "btp_subaccount" "sa_retest_hana_cloud" {
  name      = "retest-hana-cloud"
  subdomain = "retest-hana-cloud"
  region    = var.region

resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "se_hana-cloud" {
  subaccount_id =
  service_name  = "hana-cloud"
  plan_name     = "hana"

data "btp_subaccount_service_plan" "sp_hana_cloud__hana" {
  subaccount_id =
  offering_name = "hana-cloud"
  name          = "hana"
  depends_on    = [btp_subaccount_entitlement.se_hana-cloud]

resource "btp_subaccount_service_instance" "hana_cloud_hana_instance" {
  subaccount_id  =
  serviceplan_id =
  name           = "hana-cloud-test-tf"
  parameters = jsonencode({
    "data" = {
      "memory"                 = 32
      "generateSystemPassword" = true
      "edition"                = "cloud"
  timeouts = {
    create = "25m"
    update = "15m"
    delete = "15m"

Then change the memory to the value 7 and execute a terraform apply

After that failed execute a terraform plan which will state that there are no changes to be applied which cannot be the case as the change failed

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Additional context

This was probably introduced when adding the sharing functionality for service instances. There are some return statements missing whenever an operation failed.