SAP / ui5-linter

A static code analysis tool for UI5
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: Ignore file #170

Open Leoooob opened 1 week ago

Leoooob commented 1 week ago

Running the linter today, you can specify specific files, but not folders to lint. It doesn't make sense to expand file paths to allow folders, it does make sense that we should be able to set an ignore file to ignore generated files like the component.js for instance, or 3rd-party code and libraries.

The workaround right now is to specify every individual file in the project to be linted, which is a bit tedious but works for now.

I would prefer to be able to set a global ignore file for use across projects.

RandomByte commented 1 week ago

Thanks for reporting. Excluding/Ignoring files is already planned and listed on our roadmap: