SAP / ui5-linter

A static code analysis tool for UI5
Apache License 2.0
52 stars 4 forks source link is not identified by linter #280

Open sukramAxians opened 2 months ago

sukramAxians commented 2 months ago

onNavBack: async function () { const sPreviousHash = History.getInstance().getPreviousHash(); // TODO: >= 1.120 remove deprecated CrossApplicationNavigation Usage. See: // // Use instead. const oCrossAppNavigator = await Container.getServiceAsync("CrossApplicationNavigation"); const isInitialNavigation = await oCrossAppNavigator.isInitialNavigationAsync(); if (sPreviousHash !== undefined || !isInitialNavigation) { history.go(-1); } else { this.getRouter().navTo("master", {}, true); } } image

Expected Behavior

This usage is displayed in linter output.

Current Behavior

No info about it.


Log Output / Stack Trace

ui5lint --details --verbose
verb cli:middlewares:base using ui5lint version 0.3.5 (from .../@ui5/linter/bin/ui5lint.js)
verb cli:middlewares:base using node version v20.16.0
verb generateProjectGraph Creating project graph using object...
verb graph:Module Could not find any build manifest in module ui5-linter-target
verb graph:Module Configuration for module ui5-linter-target is provided in YAML file at .../core-util/ui5.yaml
verb specifications:types:Library Path mapping for library project com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util:
verb specifications:types:Library   Physical root path: .../core-util
verb specifications:types:Library   Mapped to:
verb specifications:types:Library     /resources/ => src
verb specifications:types:Library     /test-resources/ => test [does not exist]
verb specifications:types:Library Found namespace com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util in manifest.json of project com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util at /com/axians/itsolutions/ui5/neo/schedule/core/util/manifest.json
verb specifications:types:Library Found namespace com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util in .library file of project com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util at /com/axians/itsolutions/ui5/neo/schedule/core/util/.library
verb specifications:types:Library Found a manifest.json and a .library file on the same level for project com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util.
verb specifications:types:Library Resolving namespace of project com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util from manifest.json...
verb specifications:types:Library Namespace of project com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util is com/axians/itsolutions/ui5/neo/schedule/core/util
verb specifications:types:Library Using copyright from /com/axians/itsolutions/ui5/neo/schedule/core/util/.library for project com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util...
verb graph:Module Module ui5-linter-target contains project com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util
verb graph:ProjectGraph Adding project: com.axians.itsolutions.ui5.neo.schedule.core.util
verb graph:ProjectGraph Skipping resolution of optional dependencies since none have been declared
perf Trace Project Graph creation took 128.15 ms
perf Trace Linting manifest.json files took 16.26 ms
perf Trace XML Transpiler initialization took 4.17 ms
verb linter:ui5Types:amdTranspiler:TsTransformer Transforming Controller.js
verb linter:ui5Types:amdTranspiler:pruneNode Pruning node ArrayLiteralExpression
verb linter:ui5Types:amdTranspiler:pruneNode Pruning node FunctionExpression
verb linter:ui5Types:amdTranspiler:pruneNode Pruning node CallExpression
verb linter:ui5Types:amdTranspiler:pruneNode Parent node ExpressionStatement can be removed
verb linter:ui5Types:amdTranspiler:pruneNode Pruning node ExpressionStatement
perf Trace Transpiling AMD to ESM took 5.12 ms - Controller.js
perf Trace Type-check resource took 6.38 ms - /resources/com/axians/itsolutions/ui5/neo/schedule/core/util/controller/Controller.js

Any output for Controller.js is missing.

RandomByte commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting. This looks like what we call a "Partial Deprecation" (see also We'll look into how best to solve this.