SAP / ui5-webcomponents

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[SF][ViewSettingsDialog] - setConfirmedSettings lifecycle #5533

Closed rchrdchn closed 10 months ago

rchrdchn commented 2 years ago

Bug Description

ViewSettingsDialog component doesn't get confirmed settings state from setConfirmedSettings on the first click/try.

Expected Behavior

ViewSettingsDialog component should get confirmed settings state from setConfirmedSettings on the first click/try.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to ''
  2. Click Open dialog button
  3. Sort Order: Descending AND Sort By: Name
  4. Click OK button
  5. Click on link: Go to page (/page)
  6. Click on link: Go back (/index)
  7. Click Open dialog button
  8. Expected: Sort Order: Descending AND Sort By: Name
  9. Actual: Initial Sort Order and Sort By
  10. Close and Open dialog again
  11. Sorting is --> Sort Order: Descending AND Sort By: Name
  12. Expected: Sort Order and Sort By to be coming from setConfirmedSettings object after going back from /page to /index

Isolated Example


The priority indicates the severity of the issue. To set the appropriate priority consider the following criteria:

Note: The priority might be re-evaluated by the issue processor.

Stakeholder Info (if applicable)

Ref: PR:

Todor-ads commented 2 years ago

Hello @SAP/ui5-webcomponents-topic-b , take a look of this feature request.

rchrdchn commented 2 years ago

Hi team - following up on this issue. Any news?

rchrdchn commented 2 years ago

Hi team - following up on this issue. Any updates?

Todor-ads commented 2 years ago

Hello @rchrdchn, Sorry for the late reply. We are working on fix the reported issue and we will update you with our findings as soon as possible.

Best Regards, Todor

jatinthaker commented 2 years ago

@Todor-ads thanks for the note, any progress on this issue?

stoehr commented 2 years ago

Also @Todor-ads, isn't the issue a defect in And if so, then the feature request label that is currently on this issue is incorrect.

tsanislavgatev commented 2 years ago

Hello colleagues,

This is a feature request. In a comment of mine in the issue you've shared.( I spoke about the lifecycle that we will support it after the first opening, this is because of the lifecycle of the event. You have agreed with it, but if this does not work as you expected, we can have a research and try to alter the current behaviour and implement something in addition to it, so it can be matching your expectations.

rchrdchn commented 2 years ago

hi @tsanislavgatev - could you share the status on this issue, please?

rchrdchn commented 1 year ago

Hi guys - following up here. Any news?

akshilverma commented 1 year ago

Hi @Todor-ads, I am also facing the same problem. Is there any fix scheduled for this problem? And if yes, what would be the expected timeline for the release of the fix?

rchrdchn commented 1 year ago

Following up on this issue @petyabegovska @Todor-ads - any advancements on this? It's been opened for almost a year.

tsanislavgatev commented 1 year ago

Hello @rchrdchn ,

Can you please give us exact explanation on what are your expectations and your usecase so we can add functionality that would help you. After your explanation we will focus on the specific behaviour that you request to make the implementation.

Please elaborate on this in this issue.

Best Regards, Tsanislav

tsanislavgatev commented 10 months ago

As there is no answer in the last 6 months, I am closing this issue.

rchrdchn commented 10 months ago

Hi @tsanislavgatev - apologies for missing your previous message.

As mentioned above in the "Steps to Reproduce" section of the ticket, we are expecting the component to keep the state for Sort Order and Sort By after navigating to a different page and going back to the page where the ViewSettingsDialog is.

You can reproduce it with these steps below: