SAP / ui5-webcomponents

UI5 Web Components - the enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs! Build SAP Fiori user interfaces with the technology of your choice.
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[documentation]: refactor documentation #7610

Open nnaydenow opened 9 months ago

nnaydenow commented 9 months ago

This issue is follow up of


Right now, if someone wants to write documentation for their code, they have to use namespaces (like "sap.ui.webc.main"). This is because JSDoc doesn't understand where to assign the comments otherwise. This makes things a bit harder for developers. So, we decided to use a different documentation standard, which is called "custom-elements-manifest." To switch from "api.json" to "custom-elements.json," we need to replace the JSDoc plugin with "custom-elements-manifest/analyzer."

Once we make this change, the way we write our documentation will be different. We'll have to update our JSDoc comments by getting rid of the namespaces, removing tags that we don't use anymore, and so on.


Revise documentation using the details provided below.

Table on contents

  1. JSDOC changes
    1. Class tags
    2. Property and getter (readonly property) tags
    3. Slot tags
      1. Property slot
      2. Unnamed slot
    4. Event tags
      1. Event tags
      2. Event parameter tags
    5. Method tags
    6. CSS Part
    7. Enum and enum member tags
    8. Interface tags
  2. Interface changes

JSDOC changes

Class tags

Tag Description Accepted types Examples
@class Defines the constructor boolean @class
@constructor boolean @constructor
@public / @protected / @private Defines the privacy of the class - @public
@since Defines the version when the class was introduced string @since 1.2.0
@deprecated Defines whether the class is deprecated boolean | string @depreaceted
@deprecated version 1.4.0
@abstract Defines whether the component is abstract (doesn't have ShadowDOM) boolean @abstract
@implements Defines the interfaces that the component implements - @implements {ShowcaseType}
@extends Defines the superclass of the component - @extends ShowcaseType
@slot - - See more
@csspart - - See more
* @class
* Class description showcase
* @slot {ShowcaseType[]} default - Unnamed slot description showcase
* @csspart testPart - CSS Part description showcase
* @constructor
* @extends UI5Element
* @since 1.2.0
* @deprecated 1.4.0
* @public
* @abstract
* @implements {ShowcaseType}
* @implements {ShowcaseType2}
class TestComponent extends UI5Element implements ShowcaseType, ShowcaseType2 {

Note: Class name is automatically generated and @alias tag is redudant

Note: Tag name is automatically generated and @tagName is redundant

Note: If the component implements more than 1 interface use @implements tag for every interface, instead of separating them with comma.

Property and getter (readonly property) tags

Tag Description Accepted types Examples
@public / @protected / @private Defines the privacy of the property - @public
@since Defines the version when the property was introduced string @since 1.2.0
@deprecated Defines whether the property is deprecated boolean | string @depreaceted
@deprecated version 1.4.0
@default (required for public properties/getters) Defines the default value of the property string @default "myDefaultValue"
@formProperty Defines whether the property value should be used in a form (Angular / React) boolean @formProperty
@formEvents Defines which events should change property value string @formEvents change input
* Property description showcase
* @public
* @since 1.2.0
* @deprecated 1.4.0
* @default "myDefaultValue"
* @formProperty
* @formEvents change input
@property({ defaultValue: "myDefaultValue" })
property!: string;

Note: Type is autmatially calculated from the accesor name.

Note: Property name is automatically generated from accessor name and @name tag is redundant.

Slot tags

Property slot

Property slot is the slot that has accessor

Tag Description Accepted types Examples
@public / @protected / @private Defines the privacy of the slot - @public
@since Defines the version when the slot was introduced string @since 1.2.0
@deprecated Defines whether the slot is deprecated boolean | string @depreaceted
@deprecated version 1.4.0
* Property slot description showcase
* @public
* @since 1.2.0
* @deprecated 1.4.0
@slot({ type: HTMLElement, "default": true })
propertySlot!: Array<IIcon>;

Note: Slot name is automatically generated from accessor name and @slot tag is redundant.

Note: Type is automatically calculated from the accessor type

Note: If the default is set to true inside the decorator, the slot will appear as default.

Unnamed slot

Property slot is the default slot that doesn't have accessor. This slot is declared inside class comment using @slot tag.

* @class
* ...
* @slot {ShowcaseType[]} default - Unnamed slot description showcase
* ...
class TestComponent extends UI5Element {

Event tags

Event tags

Tag Description Accepted types Examples
@param Defines the event details parameters - @param {ShowcaseType} testParameter description
@public / @protected / @private Defines the privacy of the event - @public
@since Defines the version when the event was introduced string @since 1.2.0
@deprecated Defines whether the event is deprecated boolean | string @depreaceted
@deprecated version 1.4.0
@allowPreventDefault Defines whether the event is preventable boolean @allowPreventDefault
@native Defines whether the event is native event boolean @native
* Event description showcase
* @public
* @since 1.2.0
* @deprecated 1.4.0
* @param {ShowcaseType} testParameter description
* @allowPreventDefault
* @native
@event("eventWithDetails", {
    detail: {
        * @public
        * @since 1.2.0
        * @deprecated 1.4.0
        testParameter: { type: HTMLElement }
class TestComponent extends UI5Element {

Event parameter tags

Now, you can specify

Tag Description Accepted types Examples
@public / @protected / @private (required if there is a @param tag with the same name) Defines the privacy of the event parameter - @public
@since Defines the version when the event parameter was introduced string @since 1.2.0
@deprecated Defines whether the event parameter is deprecated boolean | string @depreaceted
@deprecated version 1.4.0
@event("eventWithDetails", {
    detail: {
        * @public
        * @since 1.2.0
        * @deprecated 1.4.0
        testParameter: { type: HTMLElement }
class TestComponent extends UI5Element {

Note: With these tags only deprecated, since and privacy status could be changed. If you want to change the description use @param tag in the event description. Note: Now, you have to specify the privacy of the parameter with privacy tag and also to describe the parameter in event comment.

Method tags

Tag Description Accepted types Examples
@param Defines the method's parameters - @param param1 parameter description showcase
@param {ShowcaseType} [param2] optional parameter description showcase
@public / @protected / @private Defines the privacy of the method - @public
@since Defines the version when the method was introduced string @since 1.2.0
@deprecated Defines whether the method is deprecated boolean | string @depreaceted
@deprecated version 1.4.0
@returns Defines the return value description - @returns return description showcase
* Shows the popover.
* @param param1 parameter description showcase
* @param [param2] optional parameter description showcase
* @public
* @since 1.2.0
* @deprecated 1.4.0
* @returns description of return
static methodName(param1: Array<ShowcaseType>, param2 = ShowcaseType.Type1): boolean {}

Note: Parameters type and return types is generated automatically

Note: Method name is automatically generated from accessor name and @method / @name tag is redundant.

Note: @async method is redundant because only return type is used

Note: @static tag is redundant because it's automatically calculated when the method is static

CSS Part

YOu can defined css part inside class comment using @csspart tag.

* @class
* ...
* @csspart testPart - CSS Part description showcase
* ...
class TestComponent extends UI5Element {

Enum and enum member tags

Tag Description Accepted types Examples
@public / @protected / @private (required for enum members) Defines the privacy of the enum / enum member - @public
@since Defines the version when the enum / enum member was introduced string @since 1.2.0
@deprecated Defines whether the enum / enum member is deprecated boolean | string @depreaceted
@deprecated version 1.4.0
 * Enum description showcase
 * @public
 * @since 1.2.0
 * @deprecated 1.4.0
enum ShowcaseType {
     * Enum member description showcase
     * @public
     * @since 1.2.0
     * @deprecated 1.4.0
    Type1 = "Type1",

Note: Enum name is automatically generated from accessor name and @alias tag is redundant.

Interface tags

Tag Description Accepted types Examples
@public / @protected / @private Defines the privacy of the interface - @public
@since Defines the version when the interface was introduced string @since 1.2.0
@deprecated Defines whether the interface is deprecated boolean | string @depreaceted
@deprecated version 1.4.0
 * Interface description showcase
 * @public
 * @since 1.2.0
 * @deprecated 1.4.0
interface ShowcaseType {
    property: string;

Note: Interface name is automatically generated from accessor name and @name tag is redundant.

Interface changes

In order to remove sap.ui.webc.main/fiori namespaces we have to replace variable declared interfaces with a TypeScript declared interfaces. At the moment interfaces are only markes but for some of the markers a real interfaces exist so the changes are following:

NOTE: If the interface is created to describe abstract component (component that doesn't have template) we remove the interface and start to use the class since.

Fixes: #7388 #7075 #6306

hristop commented 8 months ago

Internal BLI was created: FIORITECHP1-28822