SAP / ui5-webcomponents

UI5 Web Components - the enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs! Build SAP Fiori user interfaces with the technology of your choice.
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ui5-tabcontainer | svelte #8514

Open ash-uncover opened 2 months ago

ash-uncover commented 2 months ago

Bug Description

ui5-tabcontainer is raising error when switching tab when used in svelte framework

Affected Component


Expected Behaviour

we should be able to switch between tabs

Isolated Example

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Clone
  2. npm install
  3. npm run dev -- --open
  4. try to switch from Tab1 to Tab2 > see error in the console

Log Output, Stack Trace or Screenshots

TabContainerTemplate.lit.ts:15 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'effectiveHidden') at TabContainer2.block84 (TabContainerTemplate.lit.ts:15:278) at TabContainer2.block013 (TabContainerTemplate.lit.ts:7:1425) at executeTemplate (executeTemplate.ts:17:18) at TabContainer2.render (UI5Element.ts:162:10) at updateShadowRoot (updateShadowRoot.ts:21:26) at TabContainer2._render (UI5Element.ts:707:4) at renderImmediately (Render.ts:44:15) at RenderQueue.process (RenderQueue.ts:64:4) at Render.ts:67:30



UI5 Web Components Version




Operating System

No response

Additional Context

No response


No response


ash-uncover commented 2 months ago

Note that this is working fine when using pure client side rendering

pskelin commented 2 months ago

Svelte seems to remove attributes it didn't add during its hydration step. We have seen this with other frameworks too. This is what happens:

  1. Svelte sends the <ui5-tab> markup to the client
  2. The import @ui5/webcomponents/dist/Tab.js is executed and the custom element is defined
  3. The custom element adds a ui5-tab attribute to its host so the element becomes <ui5-tab ui5-tab>
  4. Svelte hydration runs and removes the ui5-tab attribute because it was not there on the server: <ui5-tab>
  5. Some logic that the TabContainer runs depends on this attribute being present and breaks

Basically the custom element logic runs before the hydration is what is causing the problem.

I couldn't find a way to modify the svelte behaviour other than turning off SSR completely. So instead as a workaround, if the custom element is defined after the hydration, adding the attribute by the custom element will be ok.

I tried this by making all imports dynamic, this way the define of each custom element will run a bit later. I change Main.svelte to this:


This seems to fix the issue, but it is not 100% synchronized with the svelte hydration. It would be best if there is a svelte hook for running code after hydration, but I couldn't find any.

Please let me know if this works for you.

PS. there is a svelte issue without a resolution for this:

And the code where the attributes are removed: This code seems fully refactored in the main branch, so perhaps the next svelte release will fix this...