SAP / ui5-webcomponents

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ui5-responsive-popover: the placement attribute doesn't have effect in RTL mode #8988

Closed unazko closed 1 week ago

unazko commented 2 weeks ago

Bug Description

The ui5-popover gets displayed over it's opener or to the right of it when in right to left display mode even if the placement attribute is set to "Start".

Affected Component


Expected Behaviour

Expected: The popover shouldn't cover it's opener button.

Isolated Example

No response

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open the following page on local machine: http://localhost:8080/packages/main/test/pages/ResponsivePopover.html
  2. Add dir="rtl" on the body element
  3. Press over the first "Open me" button to open the popover

Observed: The popover covers the opener button. Even if the placement attribute is set to Start we'll have the same display. The same doesn't happen with left to right display.

Expected: The popover shouldn't cover it's opener button.

Log Output, Stack Trace or Screenshots

No response



UI5 Web Components Version




Operating System


Additional Context

No response


No response


unazko commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @SAP/ui5-webcomponents-topic-rd,

Could you please check out this issue.

Best regards, Boyan