SAP / ui5-webcomponents

UI5 Web Components - the enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs! Build SAP Fiori user interfaces with the technology of your choice.
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[Feature Request - DynamicPage]: support sticky content headers #9258

Open Lukas742 opened 1 week ago

Lukas742 commented 1 week ago

Feature Request Description

In UI5WCR we're currently replacing our implementation of the DynamicPage with the newly added ui5-dynamic-page web component. In the process of comparing the features of both components, we noticed that the only feature still missing to be feature-complete, is supporting sticky headers inside the content. We also already have found a way to document a helper that enables this feature, but since we have to, i.a., access the shadow root, wait for the custom-element to be defined and for the content to be available, it's hard to maintain and could break with each update.

That's why we would like the DynamicPage component to support this feature out of the box.

Since we're a React library, our helper is a React hook that'll only work with React, but I tried to refactor it to use plain JS. Here you can find an example, maybe it helps :)

Proposed Solution

Support content elements to be sticky, meaning they should stick to the visible header of the DynamicPage.

Proposed Alternatives

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Additional Context

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hinzzx commented 1 week ago

Hello colleagues,

@SAP/ui5-webcomponents-topic-p , could you please take a look at this feature request. Our colleagues would like us to have a support for sticky content in our DynamicPage, so they could be able to successfully replace their DynamicPage with our newly added <ui5-dynamic-page> .

Kind Regards, Stoyan

dobrinyonkov commented 1 week ago

Internal Reference: BGSOFUIPIRIN-6586