SAP / ui5-webcomponents

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[ViewSettingsDialog]: sort list is rendered without radio buttons on initial rendering #9266

Closed ilhan007 closed 1 week ago

ilhan007 commented 1 week ago

Bug Description

The sort list is rendered without radio buttons on initial rendering, but after you switch to filter items and go back - the radio buttons are displayed. See the attached video

Affected Component

No response

Expected Behaviour

No response

Isolated Example

No response

Steps to Reproduce

1. 2. 3. ...

Log Output, Stack Trace or Screenshots

No response



UI5 Web Components Version




Operating System

No response

Additional Context

No response


No response


ilhan007 commented 1 week ago

Hello @SAP/ui5-webcomponents-topic-b could you check the described issue?

The initial state of the sort list looks wrong as at first there are no radio buttons displayed, but after you switch to filters and get back, the sort list starts displaying radio buttons.

tsanislavgatev commented 1 week ago

Hi colleagues @SAP/ui5-webcomponents-topic-p ,

Can you please check this issue? It's related to dynamically adding items to the group in the list. A sample to reproduce -> Link

It does not pass the selection mode to the children when they are added dynamically or trough "each" loop in handlebars.

Best Regards, Tsani