SAP / ui5-webcomponents

UI5 Web Components - the enterprise-flavored sugar on top of native APIs! Build SAP Fiori user interfaces with the technology of your choice.
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fix(ui5-table): adjust unstable loading test #9267

Closed DonkeyCo closed 1 week ago

DonkeyCo commented 1 week ago

Fixes: #9250

DonkeyCo commented 1 week ago

Restarted the checks multiple times and it seems like it is pretty stable now?

Not exactly sure, why the test was unstable, but I guess we accessed the loading indicator before the focus selector was set on it? Maybe due to network/cpu speed?

I guess it does not hurt to merge and see, if it becomes more stable

pskelin commented 1 week ago

Usually, all wdio methods (like execAsync in this case) wait internally for the rendering to finish and there is no need for timeouts.

In this case however, I checked that the ui5-busy-indicator has a setTimeout using the delay property and this is not awaited automatically by the test.

Your fix is ok in this case, could you please just add a comment in the test why the delay is there and we can merge this.